弓尒 (热门博主)
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【美国厂家的面包片 Loaf,为何不长霉??】

(2017-10-14 23:46:38) 下一个





Image result for loaf with mould

Image result for loaf with mould

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厂家的面包片 Loaf,室温,不放冰箱,不长霉,起码2-3星期 不长霉绿。

比如 下图 所示的面包片。

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厂家经过 什么特殊处理?



谢谢 赐教。



Four symbiotic starter combinations were developed and probated in a production laboratory using the selected Lactobacillus strains that were able to grow in flour/water environment accumulating high concentrations of viable cells: L. brevis LBRZ7, L. buchneriLBRZ6, L. plantarum X2, L. paracasei RN5, L. sanfranciscensis R and L. fermentum LBRH10 and the probiotic propionic acid bacterial strain P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii NBIMCC 327. It was established that in order to prevent bacterial spoilage 10% of the selected starter sourdoughs (sourdough with Starter 2 for rye bread and sourdough with Starter 4 for wheat bread, both starters including P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii NBIMCC 327) had to be added in the bread-making process while for prevention of mould spoilage the necessary amount of starter sourdough was between 15% and 20%. The developed sourdoughs would allow consumers to prepare and consume delicious and safe bread with extended shelf life without the addition of preservatives.


Production of wheat bread without preservatives using sourdough ...



MicroZap Technology


MicroZap was spun off from patented technology developed through cutting-edge food sterilization research at the International Center for Food Industry Excellence. Sen. Robert Duncan (R-Lubbock) joined Lt. Gov. Dewhurst for the announcement.


“Not only could this new technology lead to significant advances in food safety for everyone, but also this ETF grant hopefully will help MicroZap grow into a thriving bio-tech company that creates new jobs and economic development opportunities for Lubbock,” Dewhurst said.


MicroZap uses directional microwaves delivered at varying doses and intensities in order to target disease-causing microorganisms with great precision.



Texas company: Microwave keeps bread mold at bay (Update)
















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