( 小千的马甲 )


“Too DEEP for SHEEP?”

(2011-08-08 06:33:46) 下一个

May 15, 2011  (Easter 4 A)

John 10:1-10

“Too DEEP for SHEEP?”


One of the challenges we have in gaining a deep understanding and appreciation for Good Shepherd Sunday is that most of us are city slickers.  How many of you have actually worked with sheep and truly understand the relationship and interaction between a shepherd and his flock?  (probably not many . . . if any of us)   Back at Jesus’ day people really did understand what it was like working with sheep.  They knew shepherds and understood their role and function – so . . . when Jesus used shepherding to explain spiritual matters to them, surely they would get it.  Well, notice what verse 6 of our text says: “Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them.”

Maybe these parables are just too deep for us sheep.  Well – I don’t think so.  I think after some time, and after they saw everything that took place, and after they had a chance to put it all together . . . . then the things Jesus said would make more and more sense to them.  So, if we modern-day urban sheep really put our minds to it, I think we can discover the deep treasures that Jesus has given us here too.  Our text includes 2 closely related, but different, little parables that have some incredibly DEEP and powerful truths for us to consider. 

Let’s take a deeper look at the first one: John 10:1-5

1 “I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. 3 The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 

So – first of all, what is the sheep pen?   People might think it’s heaven – but thieves and robbers aren’t breaking into heaven trying to steal sheep.  I think the best understanding is that the sheep pen is God’s flock here on this earth.  It’s the gathering of believers who have come to know and trust in Jesus – the Good Shepherd.  They hear His voice and follow His lead.  See – this isn’t too DEEP to understand! What is the heart of this little parable?  Leadership.  Does Jesus speak to us today?  Of course.  His words are right there on the pages of Scripture.  And, He also speaks through those who accurately speak His truth.  Jesus Himself said, “Whoever listens to you listens to me.” (Luke 10:16)  I realize that a lot of people CLAIM to speak the truth of God’s Word and don’t – but the sheep know where to go.  Jesus told us, “If you hold to my teaching, then you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth – and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)   So – the sheep who don’t want to be led astray go back to the Word and make sure their pastors and churches hold to the teachings of God’s Word – so they can hear Jesus’ voice when they gather for worship and study. 

We WANT Jesus to lead us – is that correct?  Yes.

·         In spiritual matters – do we want Jesus (and ONLY Jesus) to lead and influence us?  Of course. 

·         In matters of morality – do we want Jesus to lead us, and NOT the shifting and changing voices of the world around us?  Absolutely. 

·         When it comes to the husband / wife relationship – how we love and interact together – do we follow His lead and instruction concerning sacrifice / headship / submission / respect / protection / putting the needs of our spouse before our own . . . . . . umm, sure. 

·         Do we follow Jesus’ leadership and instruction concerning how we conduct ourselves at work / at school / in the community / in the family / concerning what shows and movies we watch / the words we speak / how we spend our time / what our priorities are – respecting Jesus in everything and putting God first – ALL THE TIME!   . . . . . uh, well, maybe sometimes. 

·         Do we follow Jesus’ lead when it comes to how we spend our money?    . . . Hmmm – not sure about that one. 

There are many places in our lives where we get the SHEEP – SHEPHERD relationship backwards.  We treat Jesus like a sheep, and we take the lead as the shepherd.  We hear Jesus say, “Love your wife as I loved the church and gave myself up for her . . . . tell your friends about me . . . . spend time with me at church and in the Word . . . find ways of getting involved in Kingdom work, you have plenty of free time . . . . spend your money on things that really matter!”    And we might respond, “Yeah, yeah, yeah – I know.  It’s good advice . . . but I am in the lead here, and I am going to do what I want to do.  It’s my life.  It’s my time.  It’s my money.” 

Ouch.  Did I dig too DEEP there?   Is there a good reason to dig down until it’s painful?  Yes – it has to do with a man in this parable who we haven’t even mentioned yet.  Jesus refers to him as a thief and a robber. What do you suppose he wants to steal?   You . . . . . and me.   In any area of life where you take the lead / where you refuse to follow Jesus and heed His instruction – that bad guy grabs a handful of your wool.  He wants to get a real good grip on you – so that he can chuck you over the wall and take you home as his own. 

That’s frightening!  Yes, it is.  Therefore take his parable to heart: run to your Good Shepherd!  Stay close to Him.  He will protect you.  He will forgive you.  He will lead you.  He will take care of you.  Don’t be afraid to let Jesus be your Good Shepherd and lead you in EVERY aspect of your life – you will discover His way is better than any other way, and He will never let you down. 

That’s the first half of our lesson, now Jesus switches gears and leads us in a bit different direction on the next verses: v.7-10a

7 Therefore Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

Jesus says here that He is the GATE – what is the purpose of a gate?   (It lets you in – or shuts you out.) Jesus lets us into the Kingdom of God / the family of God / and, ultimately, the paradise of Heaven.  He says in verse 9, “Whoever enters through me will be saved.”   This little parable is about ACCESS.  

Is Jesus the only way to get into heaven?  Yes – you are His sheep and you know that. He knows you personally, by NAME, and that means he’ll let you in. Do you know WHY He is the only one who can let people into heaven?  To get into heaven you have to be . . . . perfect!   No one is perfect.  The only way that any of us could be perfect in the eyes of a holy God, is to have the forgiveness Jesus won (which is ours by faith) and to have the perfection Jesus won (which is also ours by faith).  Jesus is the only way in – and He’s super clear about that.

But, why does He say, “All who came before me were thieves and robbers”?   Surely He doesn’t mean Moses and all the prophets of the Old Testament!   No – not at all.  A careful study of the original language clears this up for us. prov can be translated “before” – but it can also mean: above – in the sense of higher rank / greater importance and value.  His point is this: Anyone or anything put ABOVE Jesus is trying to steal souls (sheep) away from God.  God wants everyone to be saved and have eternal life – and Jesus is the ONLY WAY – He is the Gate. 

Islam puts Muhammed above Jesus and claims that he is a greater prophet – is he a thief and a liar?   Yes – he says you can get yourself into heaven by making sure your good deeds outweigh your bad ones – he is leading people into a brick wall.  Has this thief infiltrated Christianity in an attempt to steal sheep?  Of course!  The Pope himself says you need enough good deeds (beyond faith alone) in order to get into heaven – and, he says it’s possible for people who live good lives to get to heaven apart from Christ . . . . is he (the Pope) a thief and a liar?  Yes, he is – don’t listen to him.  What about the kind-hearted and well-meaning preacher down the road that has swallowed the “modern thinking” that Jesus didn’t really say any of this stuff and didn’t really do anything miraculous; that he is merely a good man and one of many possible ways to get to heaven.    Is he a thief too?  Well – according to Jesus he is.   His poison might taste good to the modern tongue, but it will kill you. 

So – do I say anything to my Catholic friend, or that family member who is theologically liberal, or to my Muslim neighbour?    No – of course not.  We’re too sheepish to do that.  If we told them they were being lied to and deceived, that would offend them and hurt their feelings.  They believe what they believe / I believe what I believe – there’s no use bringing it up.  It’ll just start an argument.  Unfortunately . . . . the only hope for all those lost and confused sheep out there is if we care more about their souls than we do about their feelings.   So, I guess there’s not much hope. 

Eeeeeesh Pastor Halldorson – why are you beating up the sheep!!  This is Good Shepherd Sunday; can’t we just talk about how fun and easy it is to follow Jesus instead of digging deeper?  You make it sound really hard and difficult to follow Jesus!    Guess what fellow sheep – it is.  It is hard to let Jesus really lead in every aspect of my life.  It is really difficult to tell people that Jesus and ONLY Jesus is the way to get to heaven.  That’s true, but don’t get the impression that being a Christian is all gloom and doom – quite the opposite; Jesus said in the last verse of this lesson, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Really living means really following Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel – even when / especially when, it’s really difficult.  If you want a life filled with richness, depth, and meaning – trust in Jesus and follow His lead.  He gave up his life for you, and He will lead you through all the struggles and challenges and bring you safely home.  No one ever said the journey would be easy.  There are enemies / thieves / robbers / liars – and they are everywhere!  The only hope for us defenceless sheep is to stick with Jesus the Good Shepherd / the only Gate to eternal life.  

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