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“The Secret of REAL Greatness:”

(2011-08-08 06:39:43) 下一个

July 3, 2011  (Pentecost 3 A)

Romans 4:18-25

“The Secret of REAL Greatness:”


You can find all sorts of self-help books out there promising to give you the SECRETS you need to make your life a great success.  The problem is: they will typically lead you into a dead end – because our world doesn’t really know what true greatness and success is.  They think it’s found in wealth, power, and prosperity.   Wise Solomon had all that – and he discovered it was all meaningless!    Chasing wealth and power ultimately means nothing in the grand scheme of things – learn from the wisdom of Solomon and don’t waste your life chasing after meaningless things. 

Today we’re going to look at the Book God Himself has given us – the book that gives us everything we need to know and unveils the secret of REAL greatness.  Jesus Himself taught this priceless secret to the Apostle Paul – and, in our 2nd Lesson for today he teaches that secret to us.  

In fact, you already know it . . . . don’t you.   I already read this lesson earlier – and, you already ARE Christians and have probably discovered this secret many years ago.   It’s Christ Jesus.   It’s FAITH in Him – that is where true greatness / where forgiveness and eternal salvation are found.  Yes – it really is that simple.  But, today I hope you’re also going to realize that this secret is also rather complex – and carries with it the ability to totally transform your lives and change how you see everything in life.  I hope and pray you discover something in this powerful secret that you didn’t know before – and, that it helps transform YOU into a great hero of faith.

We’re going to divide our text into 3 sections – and start with the end of this lesson and work backwards to the beginning.  I’ll begin with the last 2 verses that show us just how simple and clear the secret of REAL success actually is: Abraham believed in God.  He had faith in the Triune God of the Bible, and notice what the Apostle Paul says about that: v.22-24 “This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” 23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”

The Apostle Paul is showing us that people in the Old Testament times were saved in the same way that we are: BY FAITH.  The same Lord who appeared to Abraham and promised to make him into a great nation – and to bless all nations through him – sent Jesus Christ (his descendant) who would be delivered into death for our sins, and rise from the dead . . . . bringing our justification / our righteousness / our salvation. 

Abraham’s greatness was not his own – it was GIVEN to him by faith.  He needed the perfection of Christ for eternal life, and God gave it to him by faith.  Likewise the Apostle Paul (who called himself the Chief of Sinners) was saved by grace and through faith.  The Thief on the cross next to Jesus on Good Friday believed in Him – and by faith God declared him to be great – righteous / holy – so that even this criminal could be a part of God’s own family and live in heaven forever.  By faith you and I have been forgiven of all our sins.  And God has declared us to be GREAT . . . . because of Jesus, who died for us and came back to life 3 days later.  His greatness is yours and mine.  THAT is the secret of eternal life / the secret of real and eternal success that will never end / the “Mystery of the Gospel” (as Paul called it) that God wants everyone in the world to know: Faith in Christ is the secret of REAL success.

It is that simple . . . . but . . . . it’s also rather complex.  Let me explain: If you asked a group of people (who know God’s Word and are familiar with Abraham) – what made this man so great and such a successful hero of faith?    What would they say?    I would bet you that many would point to the things he did.   He believed in God – and because of that FAITH – he picked up his family and moved to a distant land where God sent him.  He continued to trust in God’s promises, even when it seemed impossible.  He patiently waited for God to work in His own time.  He was even willing to sacrifice his dear son Isaac because he trusted God and trusted God’s promise that much. 

The Apostle Paul points to Abraham’s great faith in verses 20-21 of this lesson: “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”

The secret of his success was that he TRUSTED in God.  But, that faith and confidence in God produced faith and confidence in God.   Have I got you totally confused yet?   Trust in God produces trust in God, and that resulted in greatness in his life.  This is where it gets complicated and many people get it all mixed up.  I’ll quote a theologian who figured it out and can help us get it straight too: “We are saved by faith alone . . . but saving faith is never alone.”   He is saying that genuine faith will always produce fruits of faith – that is what the Book of James clearly shows us.  If you understand the theological terms I’m talking about then you know I’m talking about the relationship between Justification and Sanctification / between saving faith in the heart and faith showing itself in our lives.  Faith in Christ produces fruits of faith.  Abraham trusted God and that faith produced great results in his life.  No – he wasn’t perfect, and yes – he made mistakes.  The righteousness that got him into heaven was 100% that of Christ and not his own – but that faith showed itself in his life and made him a great hero of faith. 

This real life secret has HUGE real life implications for us too!  You believe in God and trust in Christ – WONDERFUL!   The greatness / the righteousness of Christ has been credited to YOU!  If you were to die tonight heaven would be your home – and, if you should live for other days, that greatness of Christ will be producing greatness in your life.  Since we trust in Christ – we trust in God’s promises as Abraham did.  We know heaven is our home and all our sins are forgiven.  We know God’s ways are better than our ways, and better than the ways of the world.  With willing hearts we put His love and truth into action in our lives and produce the fruit that delights our Lord and Saviour – big things and little things / words and deeds – that God considers GREAT and SUCCESSFUL.  And, after all, what He thinks is ultimately the only thing that counts.  

Yes, I know we make mistakes and we are not perfect.  The righteousness that gets us into heaven will always be (and CAN only be) that of Jesus, and not our own.  But, just like Abraham, God continues to forgive us, and strengthen us in our faith, and will do great things through us – just like He did through Abraham. 

There’s another aspect of this SECRET we have yet to explore.  Let me ask you a question: Was it easy for Abraham to believe the promises God had made to him?     Absolutely not.     Consider the remaining verses of this lesson – v.18-19  “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 19 Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.”

Everything his eyes saw told him this was impossible – yet he still BELIEVED that God would keep His promises.  Here’s the point: whatever makes faith hard (that is: difficult) – makes faith strong.   Normally we hate it when people attack our faith, or when circumstances make it really hard to cling to the loving promises of God . . . . but here’s the secret: those things drive the believing heart back into the arms of God and actually makes one stronger. 

So – here’s what I want you to do: In your own life, what is your “Abraham and Sarah” challenge?   What is it that makes it hard for you to believe what God has told you? 

·        Do you struggle with accepting some of the teachings that God’s Word has given us?  Is it hard for you to accept Genesis tells us about the beginning of this world and life on this planet?  Does your reason / logic get in the way?  Is God’s wrath and hatred over sin tough for you to swallow?  Can you reconcile God’s love with his swift and scary justice?   Are His directives concerning marriage / family / authority / headship – are those things too hard for you to accept, and too difficult to actually put into practice in your life?  Is it difficult for you to believe that every word of Scripture came from the Spirit of God Himself – and not from the hands of men? 

·        Is it your own sin and weaknesses that make faith so difficult?  Are you struggling with guilt and fear because those SINS just won’t leave you alone? 

·        Is it the circumstances of YOUR life that make it hard to trust?  Is it pain and sickness / infertility or poverty / loneliness or depression . . . . is it something like that which makes it so hard for you to accept that God really does have a loving plan and purpose for every single day of your life? 

I want you to discover what your “Abraham and Sarah” challenge is – and then come back to the secret of REAL success here.  TRUST in CHRIST – you know Him and what HE did for you.  TRUST Him, as Abraham did, especially when it’s hard.  You know He loves you, and forgives you, and accepts you, and is preparing a place for you in heaven.  You’ll see: Faith and confidence in Christ produces faith and confidence in your life – it allows you to have HOPE against all hope, and in spite of everything your eyes may tell you.   And – whatever makes faith HARD for you, will now make you STRONG – just like it did for Abraham. 

Do you see what this secret does for us?   It transforms our lives – we don’t need to run away from struggles / challenges / hardships / difficulties anymore – grab life by the horns and embrace the promises of God!  You have learned the secret of Abraham’s success: TRUST CHRIST – no matter what, and when it’s really hard to, TRUST Him more.   You can throw out all those self-help books – because you know this beautifully simple and deeply complex secret: TRUST in GOD – and your life will be a great success story, just like Abraham and Sarah. 

Just one more thought for you: God doesn’t want this to be kept a secret – tell the world about how faith in Jesus is the real secret of real success. 

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