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(2011-08-08 06:42:20) 下一个

July 31, 2011  (Pentecost 7 A)

Matthew 11:25-30



When you talk about a YOKE today, most people think of the yellow part in the middle of an egg. . . . a Swedish person might think your trying to be funny . . . . but very few of us understand it in the way that Jesus used it in our Gospel lesson from Matthew.  Back in His day (and for thousands of years through history) a YOKE was a familiar piece of farm equipment that almost everyone had seen out in the fields.  It’s a wooden beam that would link 2 farm animals together so they would work together as one – usually to pull something, like a plow or a wagon. 

Even the spiritual concept of a yoke was commonly understood by the people of Jesus’ time.  People would talk about the “Yoke of the Pharisees” – that people would bind themselves to the teachings of the Pharisees, and carry all the burdens and responsibilities that came with that commitment.   Religious leaders spoke about the “Yoke of the Law” – the people were to bind themselves to the requirements of the Law of Moses and carry all that weight, along with all the extra laws their leaders had dumped upon them. 

Then along came Jesus – and, using a figure of speech they were all familiar with, said essentially: “[Unhitch yourselves from the Law and all those heavy burdens your leaders have placed upon you.]  Take MY yoke upon you . . . . for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”   You would expect people to be flocking to Jesus – dump that oppressive LAW load that no one can bear and bind yourself to the GOSPEL load of Jesus!  Hitch yourself to the One who gives forgiveness for every sin / who gives you peace / who gives you full and free salvation / who takes you to be with God forever in heaven.  

It’s so simple and so clear.  All the miracles proved his identity, all the prophecies were coming true, and He invited EVERYONE to come to Him for rest and salvation.  But . . . . something got in the way.  Something was preventing people from coming to Jesus – and, that’s one of the things we’re going to discuss today. 

In order to do that, we’re going to put the teachings of Jesus into a modern context and use an illustration that we can all understand.  Maybe you don’t know about “yokes” and ancient farming techniques – but, I’m guessing you all understand what TEAM sports are – and, about the rivalries that exist between certain teams.  In Canada “the game” is hockey, and everyone here knows about the tension between the Ottawa Senators and the Toronto Maple Leafs.  Out west it’s the Calgary Flames verses the Edmonton Oilers. In the US Midwest it’s football – the Greenbay Packers against the Minnesota Vikings. 

When Jesus says, “take my yoke upon you” He’s saying essentially, “Join my team!”  Be a part of “TEAM JESUS”.  Quit languishing on the other side, and come over to His side.  It’s FREE – the burden of the Law has already been carried for you.  The huge price needed to be on His team has already been paid.  His arms are open to us!  Let Him be your coach and your teacher.  Learn from Him.  Follow Him.  Work with Him and for Him.  Rest with Him in His peace. 

Of course, “TEAM JESUS” is locked in a bitter conflict with their enemy – the team on the other side.  We’ll call that side “Team Pride”.  You see, Jesus was humble.  And, the opposite of humility is pride.  Pride catches everything out there that’s opposed to Jesus.  The Pharisees and all their followers throughout time – the Jewish zealots who rejected Jesus as the Messiah / along with the entire Muslim world (those 2 groups totally despise each other) / along with the secular humanists who despise all religion as the source of evil in the world / along with every crazy cult and man-made religion and philosophy out there . . . . . they are ALL just different players on the same team.  They are all looking out for themselves and fighting for their own wants and desires.  They are all trying to earn their own “salvation” – whatever they think that might be.  They are all on “TEAM PRIDE”.

And, this pride is what keeps people from coming to Jesus.  Pride can’t stand the real Jesus – because Jesus is humble / Jesus lived for others / Jesus had everything and willingly gave it up / Jesus laid down his life for people that hated him. Jesus offends the proud.  He tells them, “You can’t earn your salvation.  You are not ‘good enough’ and you never will be.  You can not get yourself into heaven, in fact – you deserve nothing but punishment and hell.   You need ME.  You need a Saviour who is nothing less than God Almighty who took on humble flesh to suffer and die for people on ‘the other side’. You need me and only me.  Cast off your sin and pride.  Humble yourselves and come to me.  Join MY team.” 

But, as you know – people say NO . . . NO WAY!  “I already know everything I need to know.  I’ve got it all figured out.  I am just fine the way I am.  I don’t need to be rescued.  I don’t need Him.”

Instead of being depressed at all the multitudes of people who rejected him – Jesus rejoiced in those who DID accept him.  Notice verses 25-26 “At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.”

The devil coaches team pride – and he seeks after the rich, the powerful, the strong, the capable . . . . and he flatters their pride and reminds them that they actually DO deserve all these good things, and in fact, they deserve so much more.  But God, on the other hand, picks the young, the weak, the humble, the pathetic, the old, the sick, the lame.  And -  Jesus PRAISES that – He loves the weak and the humble, and He wants them on His team!

No wonder the world thinks that “TEAM JESUS” is a pathetic joke.  But, that’s only because they don’t know who Jesus really is!  They don’t know that He and His Father (who created and owns this universe) are One, and on the same team. And, it’s never been a secret – Jesus revealed His true identity and proved it, time and time again.  In verse 27 he says, “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”All the power, riches and glory of God belongs to Jesus.  And, if you don’t acknowledge Jesus as God and Lord – then you don’t know the only True God. Because, He – and His Son, and the Spirit who proceeds from both of Them are One. 

So – it’s OK that we are weak, pathetic, small and poor.  We’re yoked to Jesus – we’re on His team, and that means we’re on the WINNING team.  The pathetic ones are actually the ones on “team pride”.  Still, Jesus hasn’t given up on them yet! In love He still holds his hands out to them and pleads with them: verses 28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

When you’re sick of fighting with guilt / sick of being a slave to money / sick of fighting for SELF / sick of the hollow and meaningless life the world tries to sell us / sick of never knowing what it’s all about and what happens at the end / sick of never knowing if you’re GOOD enough or if you’ve DONE enough . . . . sick of being on “team pride” – then come to Jesus.  Find rest.  Find peace.  Find heaven.  He’s got the most priceless gifts in the universe, and He just wants to give them away.  It really is that simple.  Accept it.  Believe it.  It’s true. 

So . . . . why do I still feel so weary and burdened?  Why is peace so elusive?  Why does it seem so HARD to be a follower of Jesus?   Well, we have the same problem the Apostle Paul had and described in our Second Lesson today (Romans 7:15-25). PRIDE was still living there in his sinful nature and THAT is what tears us Christians apart.  Part of us is with our Lord on “Team Jesus” and part of us is still cheering for our “old team” – TEAM PRIDE.  That sinful / proud / selfish / self-centered part of us follows us everywhere -  even to church!  “Boy, God should be real impressed with me – I came to church today!  Tsk . . tsk . . . tsk – look at all those lazy ‘Christians’ who couldn’t bother getting out of bed this morning.  Look how much I put into the offering plate!  If only everyone would dig deep like me then we’d have more than enough!  This church would simply fall apart without me, it all depends upon ME.”

Yeuch – do you realize what that is?  It’s PRIDE!  ME . . . me . . . me – it doesn’t matter if it’s boasting about ourselves or being totally depressed and down on ourselves – it’s 2 sides of the same coin.  It’s the opposite of Jesus – who always focused His attention outward – away from Himself.   And, we know it.  We reek of pride, and it tears us apart and leads us to join Paul who shouted out in desperation, “What a wretched person I am!”  

But . . . . he continues, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25).  Jesus welcomes repentant sinners who are weary of their own sin and beaten down by it.  He invites us to come and find REST in His arms – every week / every day / every moment.  It is just that easy.  And – yes, it is also really difficult to struggle on and fight my own pride every single day of life.  Just, PLEASE, remember these 2 things:

1.       Watch out for pride.  It’s ugly and it’s sneaky.  If you find yourself saying “I . . . I . . . . I . . . me  . . . me . . . . me”  That’s the enemy – run away from it.  It really doesn’t matter what the circumstances in your life are – good / bad / ugly / ups and downs – pride is right there ready to spring into action and make it all about YOU.  Keep an eye on it.  Run away from it. 

2.       Run into the arms of Jesus.   Find rest / peace / joy / strength / humility in HIM.  Follow His ways and His teachings and discover what an awesome gift it is to live no longer for SELF – but for Him, and for others. 


Prayer: Dear Lord, as a member of Your team – teach me to follow your lead.  Teach me to quit living for myself and to start living for you.  As you gave your life for me, inspire me to live my life for others.  All to your glory and for the salvation of more souls. Amen. 

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