( 小千的马甲 )


“Special FORCES on a Special MISSION:”

(2011-08-08 06:32:06) 下一个

May 8, 2011  (Easter 3 A)

Luke 24:13-27

“Special FORCES on a Special MISSION:”


Because of recent events, the U.S. Navy Seals (and especially Seal Team 6) have received a lot of honour and praise.  News media around the world are talking about their successful mission that took out Osama Bin Laden.  The President of the U.S. himself met with them and praised them for their heroic mission.  These guys are the “sharp end of the stick” – there may only be about 2,500 US Navy Seals, but they have a global reach.  They are the best of the best.  They have the most training and the best weaponry available, as part of the most powerful military machine on the planet today.  The Seals planned for years and trained hard for this mission.  They flew into Pakistan without anyone even knowing it – in top secret stealth helicopters, and carried out their mission in just 40 minutes.  Bin Laden and the bad guys were dead.  Evidence was seized.  And, the good guys got out of there untouched and unharmed. 

I’m sure the men of this unit are humbled and honoured by all the praise and attention they’ve received for carrying out this spectacular mission.  Things may not have gone perfectly, but they did accomplish their mission – and it was an important one. 

Now, I want you to envision a different kind of celebration for a different kind of mission well done.  In this one, God – the King of the universe – pulls back the curtain between His world and ours on the Great Day of Judgment, and . . . in front of every human being who ever lived on the planet . . . God gives honour and praise to us and to our little fellowship of believers scattered around the world, in little churches just like this one.  “WHAT?!!  Us? – we’re nothing special!  We’re small, kind of pathetic, we don’t fill stadiums!  We don’t do much, and we don’t even do THAT very well!  We’re barely hanging on as it is!!”

God goes on to explain that we are the “sharp end of the stick” in His vital mission to reach lost souls with the Gospel!  Sure, our numbers may be small – but look at what we have: The best worker training system in the entire world!  There is not an educational system anywhere that can compare with the quality of education in our high school prep system / college / seminary – they have the standard of excellence that revolves around doctrinal unity and purity regarding the Word of God, which is at the heart of every single class they teach.  Every single one of our congregations hold the powerful Word of Truth – that has not been stained / rusted / damaged by false teachings.  We know the power to change hearts and lives is found in the Gospel – and no one proclaims it with more clarity and precision than our little churches do. Every single pastor we have is trained in, and held accountable to that same pure teaching of God’s Truth.  Every single communicant member of our fellowship has studied the Word together and worked hard to establish a strong bond of faith that is based squarely upon God’s unchanging Word.  We may be small in numbers, but we have a global reach and continue to touch souls all over the world.  We support the world-wide mission in a way that each dollar given is effectively used to put the piercing Law and healing Gospel into the heads and hearts of people across the globe.  We emphasize constant, vigilant, ongoing, rigorous training in the Word of God – and, in our circles, we refuse to lower the doctrinal standard of truth, or compromise with any false teachings within our spiritual family.  In Revelation 2-3 Jesus Himself gave praise, and glory to little churches who did the same things we are doing today – how would you feel if He also gave praise, and glory to us?

I think we would be humbled, and honoured – maybe even a bit shocked . . . . perhaps also feel a bit guilty!  Indeed we had the best training, and the best spiritual weapons – but what do we do with them?  Looking back we felt so weak / complained so much / focused on our failures and everything we couldn’t do.  Why were we so insecure?  How could we have been so blind to everything that God has given us and done for us?  We were part of something AWESOME – God’s special elite forces, and we were on a special life-saving / soul-saving mission . . . . but I didn’t get involved all that much, I didn’t give all that much, I wish I could go back in time – certainly I could have done so much better in my mission!!

Well – I’ve got some good news for you!  First of all, Jesus died and rose again to clear out all your sin and purge your spiritual record once and for all.  Our Saviour fought hard to win forgiveness and eternal life for us – and, our Champion succeeded. That means we have nothing to fear on Judgment Day – the only thing God will see is what we have done in faith according to the mission our Lord has given us.  All the rest – all the regrets / all the failures / all the missed opportunities / all the fear and weakness – will ALL be left there at the cross of Good Friday – and it will never come to mind and never plague us ever again. 

Also – that Day hasn’t come yet! We still do have TIME as God’s Special Forces to carry out God’s Special Mission.  It is going to be difficult.  It is challenging.  It can be daunting.  It might be scary.   But – on the Road to Emmaus our risen and victorious Lord who had just won the battle for our souls – shows us (His Special Forces in this world) exactly how we too can bring life, peace, clarity, forgiveness, and salvation to souls trapped in sin, confusion and darkness. 

We can do this people!  And, to learn how – we’ll sit at the feet of our Master and let Him show us how to carry out this incredible mission:

STEP 1: Look for an opportunity.  Notice how Jesus did just that in Luke 24:13-16  “Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.”   Jesus was BUSY!  He had a lot going on, especially on Easter Sunday – but he takes the time to join these disciples for a walk.  He hid His identity so that he could take this opportunity to walk them through the events that had just taken place – and – so that we could learn how to seize such opportunities too.  A walk with a friend may seem like no big deal, but Jesus shows us that it can be a glorious chance to use that powerful weapon God has placed in our hands.  But – first, before we skip to STEP 3, notice what Jesus does next:

STEP 2: Listen!   Jesus knows everything, He didn’t need to know what thoughts were going through their heads – but, he listened in order to open the door for the Gospel message. Luke 24:17 He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?”

They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, “Are you only a visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened there in these days?”

19 “What things?” he asked.

“About Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. 20 The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; 21 but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. . .  After taking the time to listen to them, Jesus then proceeds to “go in for the kill” (so to speak) to –

STEP 3: Lead them into the word.  Verses 25-27  “He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”  And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

He took the time to patiently explain things, and to help them see right from the books of Moses through the Prophets, that it’s not all about laws and regulations and animal sacrifices, - but it’s all about the promised Lamb of God, the Messiah who brought about God’s plan of salvation for the world.  That is what the whole Bible is really all about.  THAT message set their souls free.  That’s how it’s done.  Ever since that first Easter Sunday – Christians have been continuing to carry out God’s incredible saving mission.  Very often using the same technique Jesus just showed us here: Look for an opportunity / Listen to their hurts, fears, and concerns / Lead them into the Word.

Still, someone might object, “I don’t know where to go in Scripture; I don’t know what to say!”   I would disagree with that – you know who Jesus is, and what He did for us.  You might not have all the scripture references memorized, but that’s a reminder to keep learning, keep training your soul, keep studying, and use tools like the catechism – it’s there to help you find the right passages. 

Keep your eyes open, LOOK for opportunities – they abound.  Motherhood / parenting is a wonderful opportunity to carry out our mission.  God has placed these precious souls in your care, and you get the chance to lead them to Christ.  LISTEN to the needs, frustrations, struggles, pains and heartaches of those around you – they give us powerful chances to LEAD people into the Word of God – where the Holy Spirit sets souls free from sin and death. 

God our Heavenly Father can’t wait to honour his elite Special Forces who stand ready to bring life and salvation to the soul of just one more lost sinner out there.  That is our Mission.  We have the best training, and the most powerful weapons there are – now it’s time for us to get to work!! 

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