


(2020-12-11 11:45:34) 下一个



泰德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)答应上最高法院,为国会众议员迈克·凯利(Mike Kelly)及宾州32位共和党人大代表辩论。这项诉讼(法庭之友No. 20A98)指控宾州选举中的不公。


眼下这个国家,39%的美国人相信,刚刚过去的这场选举被操纵了,这是关乎对我们的选举制度完整性有没有信心的大问题。(When you look at a country where 39% of Americans right now believe this last election was rigged, that's a real problem for confidence in the integrity of our electoral system.)

宾州的情况更糟,因为宾州最高法院偏袒民主党,他们颁布的好些决定,一眼就能看出和法律背道而驰。选举不该如此。(in Pennsylvania,  the problem was made worse because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is a partisan Democratic court that issued multiple decisions just on their face contrary to the law.  That's not how elections are supposed to work.)




金伯利·韦勒(Kimberly L. Wehle),CBS新闻法律分析师,法学教授,在题为《泰德·克鲁兹要扔掉7百万人的选票,骇人听闻》(Ted Cruz Wants to Toss Out 7 Million People’s Votes. Appalling)一文中写道,

凯利团队争辩道,虽然选举过程属于州法律的范畴,但是宾州立法机关决定在11月3日选举前扩大邮寄选举违犯了联邦宪法,因为遵照宾州宪法,宾州立法机关事实上没有资格授权宾州邮寄选举。(Team Kelly argues that, even though election procedures are a matter of state law, the federal Constitution was violated when the Pennsylvania legislature decided to expand mail-in voting prior to the November 3 election because the Pennsylvania legislature in fact doesn’t have the power under the Pennsylvania constitution to authorize mail-in voting in Pennsylvania.)

克鲁兹-严格宪政主义者-迫不及待地要站到美国最高法庭上辩驳,宾州立法机关无权批准推广邮寄选举,但有权废弃宾州境内投下的每一票,同时把其自身的政治夙愿强加在宾州公民头上。(Cruz—the strict constructionist—is eager to stand before the U.S. Supreme Court to argue that the Pennsylvania legislature had no power to allow universal mail-in voting, but does have the power to throw out every single vote cast in Pennsylvania and impose its own political will on the citizens of Pennsylvania.)

迈克·凯利和他的同伙辩驳说,他们“没有特异功能”来预料自己会“受害于违宪的选举“。凯利虽只是美国众议院的现任成员,但毕竟,为了公平起见,宾州的选民应该牺牲数百万张依照宪法投出的选票,来补救他受的伤。(Mike Kelly and company argue that they “had no specialized knowledge” to even know that they’d “been harmed by an unconstitutional election.” Kelly is only a sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives, after all. In fairness to him, Pennsylvania voters should have to remedy his injury by sacrificing their millions of constitutionally cast votes.)

就算不是训练有素的律师 [我,金伯利是训练有素的律师哦!你克鲁兹,狗屁!],也能看穿这些论点扭曲的本质。现实再清楚不过了,最起码的斯文,和公正,同宾州选民站在一起,没说的。(It doesn’t take a trained lawyer to grasp the tortured nature of these arguments, and the obvious reality that basic decency and fairness weigh in favor of Pennsylvania voters, full stop.)

(宪法)第一条第4节写着,“选举参众议员的时间,地点,方式,应由各州的立法机关规定。”关于总统选举,(宪法)第二条第1节指出,“各州应按照立法机关指导的方式,委派若干选举人。”(Article I, Section 4 states that “the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature.” For presidential elections, Article II, Section 1 states that “each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.)

翻译一下:选举法,州立法机关说了算,包括决定总统选举。律师先生,就这么简单。[能感觉到韦勒檄文时对自己的崇拜](Translation: State legislatures decide election laws, including those governing elections for president. That happened here, counsel.)






2019年到2020年,宾州参众两院都是共和党为多数,州长汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)是民主党。

宾州2019第77号法案PA Act 77 of 2019

2019年10月,经宾州参众两院通过,州长签署了选举法修正案(PA Act 77 of 2019)。该修正案旨在扩大选民参选机会,同时确保唯有合法选民才能投票。修正的相关要点如下:

无理由邮寄选举(No excuse mail-in voting)


50天邮寄选举期限 (50-day mail-in voting period)


15天注册选举的时间(15 more days to register to vote)


延长邮寄和缺席选票提交的限期(Extends mail-in and absentee submission deadlines)


看到这儿,爱问问题的理科生,是不是有点糊涂?韦勒的雄文列举的罪状之一,凯利和32位共和党帮凶反对“宾州立法机关决定在11月3日选举前扩大邮寄选举。“ 没猜错的话,韦勒指的“宾州立法机关决定在11月3日选举前扩大邮寄选举“,应该就是宾州2019第77号法案。


糊涂2:韦勒给我的感觉是,凯利和32位共和党帮凶, 同宾州立法机关是对立的,可现在32位共和党帮凶本身就是“宾州立法机关”成员。



听听参与到法庭之友诉讼(No. 20A98)的宾州共和党议员朱迪·沃德(Judy Ward)怎么说,

我们支持77号法案的通过,因为我们相信每一位宾州人应该拥有更多的机会参与到我们的民主程序。谨慎起草的法案保护选举的完整性,包含了有关截止日期和签名验证的特定规定。第77号法案是多年努力的结晶,得到共和党,民主党,和州长的支持。(We supported passage of Act 77 because we believed every Pennsylvanian should have more opportunities to participate in our democratic process. The legislation was carefully drafted to protect the integrity of our elections and included specific provisions relating to deadlines and signature verification. Act 77 was the product of years of work and received support from Republicans, Democrats and the governor.)





2020年9月17日,宾州最高法院大法官马克斯·贝尔(Justice Max Baer)在他63页的意见书中写到,

“允许县选举委员会接收他们办公所在地,集票箱以外的地点,送来的邮寄选票。” (Page 19. to allow county boards of election to accept hand-delivered mail-in ballots at locations other than their office addresses including drop-boxes)

 “关于在此期间收到的没有邮戳,没有邮寄证明,或邮戳,邮寄证明难以辨别的选票,我们决定,任何一张2020年11月6日晚5点前收到的选票,都会被认定为是选举日当天寄出的,除非有充足的证据证明该选票是选举日之后寄出的。(Page 37. addressing ballots received within this period that lack a postmark or other proof of mailing, or for which the postmark or other proof of mailing is illegible. Accordingly, in such cases, we conclude that a ballot received on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2020, will be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day unless a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it was mailed after Election Day)

这才是点燃共和党法庭之友诉讼No. 20A98的导火索!之一。

法庭之友诉讼No. 20A98Amicus Curiae Brief

“法庭之友”,拉丁文“Amicus Curiae”,英文“A friend of the court”。指在诉讼案件中,没有直接涉及法律利益的私人或团体,为了向法院说明其对该案件相关法律争议上的意见澄清立法意旨、理清模糊的法律规定、通知法院关于案件事实的真实情况等等的目的,主动向法院提出书面报告,以协助法院更公正地做出裁决。

2020年12月4日,国会众议员凯利(Mike Kelly)及宾州32位共和党人大代表,向联邦最高法院大法官阿里托(Samuel A. Alito)递交了法庭之友的起诉书No. 20A98。


法庭之友,宾州人大成员,都直接参与了2019年第77号法案,及2020年第12号法案的通过。确保各州的立法者和立法机关,在不受行政和司法越权干涉的前提下,有制定法律的责任和职责,直接关乎我们的利害。(Amicus Curiae, Members of the General Assembly were directly involved in the passage of Act 77 of 2019 (Act of October 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77 (“Act 77”)) and Act 12 of 2020 (Act of Mar. 27, 2020, § 1, P.L. No. 41, No. 12.), and have a direct and substantial interest in ensuring that the province and duty of lawmakers and legislatures of each state to create laws is protected from overreach by the executive and judicial branches.)

如果本法庭准允申请人禁令申请,或按照法理,认同申请人,人大代表们就有可能应邀履行宪法赋予的职责,在联邦安全港期限前,或选举人开会和投票之日前,任命选举人。(Should this Court grant Applicants’ injunctive application, or find in favor of Applicants on the merits, Members of the General Assembly could potentially be called on to play a constitutionally-vested role in the appointment of electors prior to either the Federal Safe Harbor deadline or the day of meeting and voting of electors.)

据此,人大代表谨请准予提交本法庭之友,向法院阐明立法者,以及全国立法机关的重要性。批准申请人的禁令申请并授予证书。批准此申请,从而明确警告高度党派化的司法,及其对宾州政府同等分支机构立法权的行政掠夺。(Accordingly, Members of the General Assembly respectfully request leave to file this amicus brief to articulate to the Court the importance, to lawmakers and legislative bodies across the country, of granting Applicants’ injunction application and granting certiorari. Granting the application will send a clear message to the highly partisan judicial and executive usurpation of the lawmaking power by co-equal branches of the Pennsylvania government.)


宾州最高法院驳回本案的辩论,驳回的理由是鉴于诉讼人的法律行为,为之过晚。 本报告认为宾州最高法院,以及州秘书长在2020年的干预行为,从根本上更改了77号法案关键条款的初衷,从而推翻了“为之过晚”的定论。(The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dismissed this case as moot, basing its dismissal of Petitioners’ action on the common law doctrine of laches. This brief argues that the intervening actions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the Secretary of the Commonwealth in 2020, fundamentally altered the original meaning of key provisions of Act 77, thereby defeating any laches argument)

宾州选举法,经第77号法案修正,要求:(1)所有邮寄选票必须在选举日当天晚八点收到,(2)投票站官员对现场选民的签名进行身份核实,(3)县选举委员会在选举日上午八时开会,对缺席选票和邮寄选票进行预核,(4)损坏的缺席选票和邮寄选票不能作数,而且(5)允许候选人及政党选派的“观察员”,观察缺席选票及邮寄选票的敞票。在2020年9月17日(离选举日不到七周)的决定中,宾州最高法院单方面违背了第77号法案的明文规定,将收到邮寄选票的截止日期,从选举日,延长至选举日后的第三天,宣布,不带邮戳邮寄的选票,假定为及时收到的选票,同时授权认可签名未经核实的邮寄选票。(The Pennsylvania Election Code, as amended by Act 77, requires that: (1) all mail-in ballots to be received by eight o’clock P.M. on Election Day, (2) officials at polling places authenticate the signatures of in-person voters, (3) county boards of elections meet to conduct the pre-canvass of absentee and mail-in ballots after eight o’clock A.M. on Election Day, (4) defective absentee and mail-in ballots shall not be counted, and (5) “watchers” selected by candidates and political parties be permitted to observe the process of canvassing absentee and mail-in ballots.  In a decision rendered on September 17, 2020, less than seven weeks before Election Day, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania unilaterally and in contravention of the express wording of Act 77 extended the deadline for mail-in ballots to be received from Election Day to three days following Election Day, declared ballots mailed without a postmark be presumed to have been received timely, and mandated that mail-in ballots lacking a verified voter signature be accepted.)

在2020年11月17日(选举日后2周)的决定中,宾州最高法院裁决,县选举委员会可自行决定候选人代表在选票敞票,预查中所处的位置,即便是代表所在的位置远离敞票,什么举动都观察不到。(In a November 17, 2020 decision, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled that county election boards could individually determine the positioning of candidate representatives at ballot canvassing and pre-canvassing activities, even if it meant positioning candidates so far from the canvassing activities that no activities could be observed.)

宾州最高法院,及宾州政府的命令和规定,违反,阻挠,且从本质上篡改了州人大不久前修正的宾州选举法中的明文规定。这些命令和规定,是在选举日前后的数天,数周时间内公布的,在这种情况下,诉讼人没有机会在选举日前提出申诉。与宾州最高法院推断的“坐等权利“相反,诉讼人在相当短的时间内,及时提出了申诉。(The orders and acts of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the Department of State of Pennsylvania contravened, frustrated and substantially modified the express provisions of the Pennsylvania Election Code, as recently amended by the General Assembly. Such orders and acts were made in the days and weeks leading up to, and immediately after, Election Day, thereby affording the Petitioners in this case little opportunity to raise their claim prior to Election Day. Rather than “sitting on their rights” as inferred by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Petitioners acted reasonably expeditiously in raising their claim.)





我们向宾州最高法院起诉,他们把官司踢了回来,理由是,“你们早干吗去了?!Too late!So sad!哈哈!” 我们[TMD]可没sit on our hands啊!你们大选前后频繁动作,没日没夜的给选举法发补丁(就算要发补丁,也得我们人大发!),我们动作够快的啦!




法庭之友的命运(ORDER LIST: 592 U.S.)






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