Do it at your own risk!
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve(EGR valve)原理网络抄袭:
The Bottom Line
The EGR valve helps your car more efficiently and completely burn fuel by recirculating a portion of your exhaust and running it through the combustion process again. This results in a cooler, more complete burn of the fuel which decreases you car's noxious emissions by prohibiting the formation of some harmful gases.
The EGR valve is vital to your car's emission controls.
When the EGR valve goes bad, it must be replaced.
The EGR valve, or Exhaust Gas Recirculation valve, is a vacuum controlled valve which allows a specific amount of your exhaust back into the intake manifold. This exhaust mixes with the intake air and actually cools the combustion process. Cooler is always better inside your engine. The exhaust your EGR valve recirculates also prevents the formation of Nitrogen related gases. These are referred to as NOX emissions, and are a common cause for failing emissions testing. Unfortunately, your EGR valve can get stuck, causing NOX gases to build up.
You'll know if your EGR valve is stuck or malfunctioning because your car will experience symptoms like rough idle and bucking on accelertaion.
EGR valve 是这个样子地。上边是个像飞碟一样的冬冬,有个小皮管子连在顶上(皮管去哪里不知道,老大们指教),不一定都在正中。飞碟下边有两个方向的粗金属管,一头来自废气排放,另一头进入发动机。我的发动机那时候有较重的空转喘震,所以这个需要检查。
第一步,最简单小胶皮管拔掉。第二步,稍费力,松动一侧两个固定螺栓。图中前边一个螺栓可见,ratchet wrench正在拧的是后边一个。
多数情况,这里锈蚀很厉害,直接拧费力,力量过大容易搞坏周围的话花草草。所以不能硬来。锈死的螺丝,常规套路,WD-40或者liquid wrench。喷在螺口周围,注意垫块布,保护好周围部件,不要被污染。喷过以后,需要等多久,我没谱。我的车第二天不急用,所以我让liquid wrench过夜,效果自然最好。
家庭必备。不是做广告哈。以前我也用WD-40,后来听过2-3个mechanic认为liquid wrench更好,所以就从众了。20%加大装,对于喜欢DIY的可是非常有用,不只是修车。
轻轻倒几下(别狂磕,当心搞坏),没多少碳粉。喷点throttle cleaner,晾干,原样安装好。工程结束。