

(2009-11-17 08:38:27) 下一个
我看到这个房子:银行拥有的,要价:$29,500,2卧/ 1厕,总面积:967平方尺,1948年建成, 应课税值:$61,461。这家房靠近医学院和本地大学。房子是不是太旧?它是不是一个好机会?各位觉得,值得买吗?


1。市场上的合理租金是多少?如果你对这个社区不熟,那就在你听说的数量上,打10%的折扣,这样会比较实际。 (个人认为,此房5年之内是不会升值的。以后如果你能卖给自住的房主,或许有可能。)





Not knowing the city and area, one can only speculate.

1. How much is the market rent? If you're new to the area, count in 10% discount of what you hear, just to be realistic. (Probably not much of appreciation to talk about within ~5 years. Maybe able to sell to homeowner later.)

2. The asking price is probably just a start for negotiation. You should look at the condition, best have a property manager/general contractor to go with you and tell you which specific repair will cost, and total cost.

3. Check zillow.com or redfin.com about recent sales of similar condition. Recent means 3-6 months. There is probably some room for negotiation, especially if you're cash offer w/o financing, w/o inspection contingency, w/o appraisal. But this doesn't mean that you don't do inspection. It just means you've done such before making an offer, either by you, your inepector/contractor/PM. (Assessment is only for tax purpose, not worthy of even considering when buying.)

4. What is crime rate in the area? Would you manage it yourself, or hire a PM? Are you or your PM comfortable managing this area. I know people bought house for 1K, and get great rent, and the tenant seems OK. But is it for you?

Hope this helps.

Re: how is this kind of house?
I saw this house: bank-owned, asking price: $29,500, 2 BR/1 BA, total squars: 967, built in 1948, taxable Value: $61,461. This house is close to medical college and a local university. Is the house too old? Is it a good deal? Is it worth of buying it, in your opinion?
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