With the recession, credit crunch, and foreclosure tsunami deep in the 3rd year, REO auctions have been going strong for a while. There have been reports about houses for $1000 or even less. But the real question is: do you have the gut to buy any?
I went to several auctions, but didn\'t dare to bid. Seasoned realtors told me the auction price is at or above market prices, which is also what I saw. After figuring in the 5% buyer\'s premium, it\'s really not a good deal anymore. Besides, I never saw any house go for 1K.
Another thing, I find my English need much work. The auctioneer talks super-fast, and then add many unnecessary filler words that causes much confusion.
Here is a photo of auction in case anybody is interested.
See a news article about REO auction on Yahoo.com http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091015/us_nm/us_usa_housing_auctions.