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(原创)什么是幸福 ( What is happiness?) (中英双语)

(2013-10-23 06:14:16) 下一个

(原创)什么是幸福 ( What is happiness?)  (中英双语)


 Many writers have talked about what happiness  is so far.  “Happiness depends upon ourselves”, “The purpose of our lives is to be happy “, are two quotes about happiness by Aristotle and Dalai Lama, respectively. Answers about happiness even vary among the ordinary people as well. Last year, CCTV, the top TV station in China, performed a random street survey for happiness. As expected, Chinese citizens gave many different views on the happiness, depending on their social ranks. In my opinion, happiness is a feeling of joy and love in my heart. It is a moment when I have no worries and fears in the living environment and my personal life.




 Safe living environment and safe food mean  a lot to me in term of happiness.  Howard County, the place I am living now, has been listed as one of the most suitable places in USA  for living. The beautiful   lake, birds, ducks, boats and pleasant residents in the local park always cheer me up whenever I have a walk there.  No gun shooting and no air pollution make me worry nothing about my living environment in this safe county.  Meanwhile,    the safe and health food in the local store is my daily blessing, compared to the daily food in my home country where fake and poisonous food is not rare.


 安全的生存环境和食物,对我的幸福感至关重要。我现在居住的Howard County, 多次被列为美国最适合居住的地方之一。美丽的湖畔,飞鸟,野鸭,小船,还有快乐的居民们,总会让在公园散步的我感到非常喜悦。这里没有枪击和环境污染,在这个安全的郊区里,我不会为生存环境担忧。同时,当地商店里安全而健康的食物,则是我每日生活的祝福。在我的祖国,伪劣食品并不罕见。


 I am also feeling very happy about my personal life.  After over twenty years of marriage with my spouse, I am very pleased with my family life. Although I am a full time mom for many years, I am not doing chores alone by myself.  My spouse is always willing to help me to take care of kids and gardening, etc. Being an oncologist, my spouse also provides the family with a decent income, which allows us to travel worldwide. Disneyland, Florida beach, Paris museum, and trip to China every other year,  give me the feeling of happiness.




In addition to the daily life, routine church life is the other source of my inner peace and joy. Every Sunday, I go to church with my children to worship my belief. The beautiful music, holy songs and nice people in the church fill my heart with a joy from the above world. God’s words are the best food for my spirit growth. Sometimes I serve as a volunteer to babysit the little kids in the church. Baby’s smiling is like sunshine to brighten my heart very much. I also enjoy being an editor for the church journal by working with the other people together to spread church news and God’s words to both believers and non-believers.




 In the movie “Happiness” we watched in the class, people from around the world talk about happiness in their own language and culture.  In my view, everyone has his/her own sense of happiness regardless of their income, race and social rank.  Happiness cannot be copied from each other and it is a personal feeling in our heart.  Based on my own life experience, I reason that  happiness not only comes from material satisfaction but also depends on spiritual joy.






10/21/13  11:32PM

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阅读 ()评论 (9)
yunong2012 回复 悄悄话 博主是女性?
mumof3 回复 悄悄话 幸福就是早上和你道别的人晚上平平安安地回来了,忙忙碌碌一天转眼又到了饭点儿
TerracottaWarrior 回复 悄悄话 中文相当不错,但英文差强人意,你能用英文思考并表达自己的时候回头再看这篇英文习作就明白我的意思了
无知无为 回复 悄悄话 这些名家名人实际上是自作聪明。幸福是个人私事,没有什么“universal”的答案
nosy 回复 悄悄话 幸福就是珍惜身边人. 整天朝三慕四的人是不会有幸福的.
天边的蔷薇 回复 悄悄话 You are so happy!!
Ben007 回复 悄悄话 Good writing. Better points. To share with you that happiness is also a choice.
晓青 回复 悄悄话 写得真是太好了!
JIANQING 回复 悄悄话 写得真好,赞!