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(2012-03-06 12:06:51) 下一个

3/6/12 2:24PM分享
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cat3 回复 悄悄话 马甲多的。
快乐就好运 回复 悄悄话 回复mikecwu:
I don't understand what you and one other people are talking about? As far as I know her bolg is like her personal diary, she can write whatever she has on her mind as long as they are appropriate to share with people who like her. It has nothing to do with wenxuecity. If you don't like what you read then just leave, she just wrote down her true feeling in her own personal diary for her own record not to be shown on the front page of a "pubic website".
mikecwu 回复 悄悄话 回复superman01的评论:
Think it this way: if I come here all the time and post blogs on what my dog eats every meal, and I always use creative titles to attract people to click, because they don't know who is posting. After a while they will stop visiting wenxuecity, and your good articles won't get read. That's not what we want, right?

If the author's name is shown on the front page, I will never click on her blog. Please be respectful of Wenxuecity, it's a public website, not your personal portal. If people flood wenxuecity with personal bitching and gripes, it's going to ruin such a good community.
superman01 回复 悄悄话 回复秦王的评论:
秦王, please get lost and never come back!!
wildwood888 回复 悄悄话 没人请你看。你有时间在网上逛,就不要装得很珍惜时间得样子。
秦王 回复 悄悄话 Please keep in mind this is a public web page, and it's better to post blogs related to the community in large, not personal matters to waste people's time. Besides your close friends and relatives, who would be interested in your personal issues? You have many good articles, and it's not worth to let this type of personal whining ruin your reputation.
wxcqq 回复 悄悄话 need to change to USA passport asap to avoid this kind of hassle... I thought you already were, a naturalized US citizen, as the book you wrote, shown ( 美) xxx....good luck!