2024 (89)
2025 (5)
当然,英国人还贡献了牛顿。法国的伏尔泰曾说过:“世间谁最伟大,是凯撒、亚历山大,帖木尔还是克伦威尔? 都不是,而是牛顿。如果伟大的定义是用天赐的才能来启蒙自己和他人,那么牛顿当之无愧。王者只是破坏宇宙,而牛顿却是让我们了解世界。王者用武力使人民臣服,智者如牛顿用真理的力量博得我们的尊敬。”
The greatest englishman is not 牛顿 and 达尔文, but 弗朗西斯·培根 (Francis Bacon) and several the most famous statisticians: John Graunt, William Petty, Francis Galton, Karl Pearson, William Sealy Gosset and Ronald Fisher. These people established a complete new methodology to know the nature and the whole world. If there were not 弗朗西斯·培根, there would be no the statisticians; if there were NO the statisticians, we could not imagine the current sciences and techniques as well as the social progress.
1. English as a language
2. Constitutional Mornachy
3. Fine literature (painting and composing aren't quite as fine comparing to other European countries)
4. Oxford and Cambridge
5. Computer - Charles Babbage
6. Internet - Tim Berners-Lee (but invented in MIT)
7. Bicycles + TV
8. codified the rules for most international sports
9. Wimbledon
10.Discovery of DNA in Oxford
11.Steven Hawking
12.Economics (free trade, capitalism, liberalism)- Adam Smith, Keynes
13.The agricultural & industrial revolutions
14.Negative & colour photography
16.the BBC (no advertisement + fine quality + politically neutral)
17.Mechanical inventions (railway, gas turbine, jet engine, automobile, etc.)
18. Crime fictions (Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes...)
19. Children stories (Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Rabbit, Harry Potter...)
20. Fantasy stories (Lord of the Ring, Dune...)
They have bad things as well,
(1) slave trade, but first to abolish the slave trade earlier than other countries.
(2) British Empire (although it did spread mordernity)
(3) Opium War
(4) Bad Food
About the contributions of the Englishmen to the world, in addition to all the things that you mentioned, I must also add Magna Carta (the Great Charter of Freedoms). As early as 1215, English people already started to establish that the King must also obey the law, and that certain rights of people (freemen) were protected by these laws and must be respect. This really laid foundation that led to the constitutional forms of government of almost all developed countries today.