在Petrified Forrest National Park近350平方英里的土地上,除了高密度的木化林之外,大面积的不毛之地(badlands)也是吸引游人的奇景之一。 最值得一提的是位于公园中部的Blue Mesa(蓝台),它像一颗绚丽的宝石,集公园中各种精华于一处。这里五颜六色的badlands,特别是罕见的蓝色,让人赞叹不已!更被称为是地球上最接近火星的地貌之一,是绝大多数游客来这个公园的必游之地。
#1. 站在蓝台之上,纵览其间的千沟万壑。
#2. 撒在蓝台的最后一缕夕阳。
#3. 不毛之地中残存的木化树遗骸。
#4. 大紫沙壶。
#5. 暮色“雪山”。
#6. 蓝色篇章。
#7. 蓝台月色。
#7 was composed with a differently taken picture of Moon. I am doing this for two reasons: first, you can't shot a clear picture for both moon and landscape together since moon shooting needs short exposure time (typically 1/1000S) whereas dark landscape usually required longer exposure. Secondly, Without the moon, the picture #7 would look unbalanced and dull.
Thank you and have a nice Memorial Day Long Weekend!