
一杯茶, 一台电脑, 时间悄悄从指间流逝;一句话, 一个玩笑,阳光偷偷沿帘缝偷视

海不归感恩节的小资享受: 纽约大都会歌剧院最新的(卡门)欣赏

(2010-11-28 20:17:33) 下一个
卡门这部以吉普赛女优卡门为主线的经典展现了放荡不羁随便留情的卡门与一个老实人士兵忠贞不二爱情最终矛盾爆发至悲剧收场. 因为法国人比才的天才创作, 给人留下很多脍嗤人口的唱段, 音乐和舞蹈, 比如爱情是一只野鸟, 踢踏舞, 斗牛士之歌等等. 这次在纽约小住几个晚上, 正好住的地方离MET和百老汇不远, 就乘机看了几场歌剧和音乐剧. 这个卡门, 没想到演得如此精彩和专业, 真是大开眼界.
Carmen is a French opéra comique by Georges Bizet. The opera premiered at the Opéra-Comique of Paris on 3 March 1875, but its opening run was denounced by the majority of critics.It was almost withdrawn after its fourth or fifth performance, and although this was avoided, ultimately having 48 performances in its first run,[5] it did little to bolster sagging receipts at the Opéra-Comique. Near the end of this run, the theatre was giving tickets away in order to stimulate attendance. Bizet died of a heart attack, aged 36, on 3 June 1875, never knowing how popular Carmen would become. In October 1875 it was produced in Vienna, to critical and popular success, which began its path to worldwide popularity.

This is the most beautiful music, and if nothing else, you should listen to this music first from this most touching and passionate opera..

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