
爱河鱼饵 (热门博主)
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(2010-12-14 13:55:28) 下一个

I currently work as a part time waiter at an upscale retirement community center. Like many others, I have the responsibility of paying for gas in order to enjoy my driver's license and freedom.After a long day of using my brain at school, I wanted to exercise my hands-on ability. Thus, I chose blue collar labor by finding await-staff position last summer.

Asa young man with lots of energy, physical labor did not seem difficult. I thought it would be low-stress, straightforward, quick cash. The simple routine of clocking in and out, taking orders,serving meals, resetting tables, and cleaning the kitchen, should not be too challenging. After 6 months with this job, I have learned how to communicate with my boss and coworkers and complete tasks efficiently. This working experience also trained me how to multi task and manage time effectively. Even though my feet hurt every night after work, I continued with this job because of the insights I have gained, not just to pay for gas and a few fast food meals now and then.

Working a blue collar job has provided me cash, sharpened my skills, and more importantly, taught me the true meaning of opportunity cost,reinforcing my desire for higher education. My hourly wage is barely enough to pay for a nice car, insurance, vehicle maintenance; it goes without saying a house or a quality life with my future family. I am convinced that in order to be better off in the world, I need to pursue a good college to obtain more advanced skills suited for high-paying careers. By being a white collar or even gold-collar worker, I can better utilize my intelligence and talents for the good of society.

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福田 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享。这份圣诞贺礼真好,祝福爱河一家。