英国民歌ScarboroughFair 因PaulSimon 和ArtGarfunkel 的演唱和1966出的唱片而广为流传,又因次年电影《毕业生》用了这支歌,更使其不胫而走,甚至在中国大陆都非常流行。然而,这首歌还没有理想的翻译。懂英文的人当然不在乎,他们中也不乏反对翻译诗歌之人。我从事翻译和翻译教学多年,深知译诗之难。诗歌是运用语言的最高艺术形式,一种语言的美妙极难在另一种语言中体现出来。美国诗人弗罗斯特甚至说:“诗就是在翻译中失去的东西。”尽管如此,这种不讨好的事还是需要人来作。而且,许多前辈也的确成功地翻译了许多外国好诗,不仅开拓了未谙外文者的眼界,还丰富了我们祖国的文字和文化。偶尔,甚至有人竟能完美地翻译个别作品,令人心悦诚服。当然,更多的时候,诗歌翻译只是帮助我们了解外国文学,欣赏其比喻和意象,却难以体会原作的韵律和节奏。还有一种特别情况,翻译出来的诗歌似乎比原文还美,让不懂外文的读者惊为绝妙好辞。其实,与原文相比,翻译雅过头了,失了信。涟波译的ScarboroughFair这首民歌,就是一例。且看其中四段:
问尔所之,是否如适Are you going to scarboroughfair?
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
彼方淑女,凭君寄辞Remember me to one who livesthere.
伊人曾在,与我相知She once was a true love ofmine.
嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁Tell her to make me a cambricshirt.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
勿用针砧,无隙无疵Without no seams nor needlework.
伊人何在,慰我相思Then she will be a true love ofmine.
嘱彼佳人,营我家室Tell her to find me an acre ofland.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
良田所修,大海之坻Between the salt water and the seastrands,
伊人应在,任我相视Then she will be a true love ofmine.
嘱彼佳人,收我秋实Tell her to reap it with a sickle ofleather.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
敛之集之,勿弃勿失And gather it all in a bunch ofheather.
伊人犹在,唯我相誓Then she will be a true love ofmine.
首先,为了押韵,原文的“Sheonce was a true love ofmine她曾与我相爱”被译作“与我相知”,这是因文害义。“伊人何在,慰我相思”和“伊人应在,任我相视”犯的是同样毛病。更大的问题是,原文中歌者要求以前的恋人要完成一系列不可能的任务,她才能成为他真正的恋人(女人唱时则把那恋人变为男性),译文应用诗经体,雅则雅矣,却未能表现出原诗的主旨。还让人纳闷,为什么“勿用针砧,无隙无疵”就会“慰我相思”了?“良田所修,大海之坻”和“伊人应在,任我相视”又有什么关系?原文要恋人用“toreap it with a sickle ofleather用皮子做的镰刀来收割”是什么意思?这句为什么被简单地译成了“收我秋实”?由于译文用了诗经体,显得古雅,令人敬而生畏。很多读者明明有这些问题,却不敢提问,暗自埋怨自己水平低,未解其中奥妙。其实问题出在翻译,出在美而不信。
你是否要去斯卡堡赶集?Areyou going to Scarborough Fair?
请替我问候那里一位美女;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Rememberme to one who lives there,
她曾是我钟爱的姑娘。Foronce she was a true love of mine.
让她给我做件细麻衬衣,Haveher make me a cambric shirt,
不用针线,也没有缝隙;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Withoutno seam nor fine needle work,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
让她用梧桐木纺麻衬底,Tellher to weave it in a sycamore wood lane,
用一篮鲜花将麻衣盛起;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Andgather it all with a basket of flowers,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
让她在一眼枯井里洗衣,Haveher wash it in yonder dry well,
那里泉水不涌,雨水不滴,Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Wherewater ne'er sprung nor drop of rain fell,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
让她给我找一英亩土地,Haveher find me an acre of land,
在海沫之间,在沙滩之际;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Betweenthe sea foam and over the sand,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
让她用羊羔的犄角耕地,Plowthe land with the horn of a lamb,
再播撒堤北干瘪的麦粒;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Thensow some seeds from north of the dam,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
割麦要用软皮作镰刀锋利,Tellher to reap it with a sickle of leather,
再用石楠花将麦穗盛起;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Andgather it all in a bunch of heather,
那她才是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
如果她做不到,也别泄气,Ifshe tells me she can't, I'll reply,
至少让我知道她曾经努力;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Letme know that at least she will try,
那她就是我钟爱的姑娘。Andthen she'll be a true love of mine.
爱情总是要出一些难题,Loveimposes impossible tasks,
只要心诚就能够把山移;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Thoughnot more than any heart asks,
我要知道她是我钟爱的姑娘。AndI must know she's a true love of mine.
亲爱的,当你破解了难题,Dear,when thou has finished thy task,
就来我这里,把亲事相提;Parsley,sage, rosemary and thyme
欧芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,Cometo me, my hand for to ask,
你就是我钟爱的姑娘。Forthou then art a true love of mine.
唯一需要解释的是Parsley,sage, rosemary andthyme,这不是语言问题,而是文化问题。在中世纪的英国,这四种花草象征坚贞不渝等美德。歌者反复吟唱它们,显然是希望他/她的恋人要具有这些美德。我把这句放在每段第三行,是出于韵律的需要,而且自以为因贴近了“那她才是真心爱我的姑娘”,也让中文读者更容易猜到其隐喻。我的翻译没有涟波的那么典雅,但自信更忠实于原文。