
28 month

(2010-02-01 13:20:48) 下一个
I am glad that Jan is over and Feb is coming.

Jan 2010 was a mess and hard start. First Jan 6 we went to Hunan restaurant since sister-in-law was coming for visiting, Guai ate a lot of ice, next day he threw up and stayed at home.

Jan 9 was the new year party, next day, Bao got sick, I found that whenever she had a skirt and legging on, she would get sick. Last time was Dec that night we went to Macdonald to eat and play. Then Jan 11 Bao and me started to cough. Her fever was controlled by Tylenol, but came back during night. I also was sick Jan 14, had fever, muscle ache, had tylenol, went to see doc, and got medicine for Bao. Jan 17 Sunday Guai was sick again. Then Bao was sick second time, and Guai was sick second time as well. Me as well...

Now three of us are getting better. My lesson to learn is that better send kids to daycare to make life routine as usual, staying home for the long vacation/holiday sometime not good for kids.

Now Feb is here, and spring is coming. My Guai Bao are speaking a lot of words now, they super love to see QiaoHu.
Bought the Pioneer DVD player, now they can watch DVD on TV.

New Year's Resolution for my kids:
Toilette training in June
Separate sleep in own bed
Zoo pass
Learn letters/numbers
Read more stories to them
Play games with them - play doh
Parks, indoor playground
Farms, Marineland, Camping, Beach

My new year resolution:
Lose 10 lbs
Learn to cook
Be puctual at work 8:30am
Watch movie once a month
Read education books
Clean house, make it sweet and warm
Read technical stuff at work
Don't do too much shopping as year 2009.


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