
22 Month

(2009-07-31 10:24:38) 下一个
My twins are 22 months, they have their own ideas now.

Matthew's diaper rash finally has a reason: might be intolerant to lactose. The Pediatrician discussed with me about the history of formula and milk intake and found out that around March 2009 was the time when we stwiched totally to homo milk. Since then, Matthew has been having very bad diaper rash, bleeding, pooing more than 10 times, a little bit each time. I tried soya based formula which was provided by the doc, but both did not like soya taste. So I tried formula, and since last week July 22, poo is back to normal, and diaper rash was under control.

Both Matthew and Michelle can eat better than before. They usually fight if they want the same toy. Matthew even bit Michelle. I introduced picture books bought from china dangdang.com, and they seem to enjoy the colorful and beautiful picture books.

Matthew still cries when I dropped them off at daycare in the morning, but Michelle does not cry since this week. When I picked them up, they both seem to be happy, and do not cry anymore.

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