(2014-10-07 09:07:53)
昨天是女儿小艺的第一场排球赛,这也是小艺回到公立学校后的第一个比赛。他们的对手是一个私立学校八年级的学生。面对比自己高一年级的对手,她们还是打得很勇敢沉着,尽管她们在选拔组队后只在一起排练了一次。第一轮她们告负。小艺是在第二轮出场的。她们打得很好,很快以25:5轻松取胜。可惜第三轮的队员又输掉了一场。这样结果是1:2。I was more nervous than them as a parent. They were not affected at all. They were excited and doing their best and very focused. It was so funny that Amy thought they won the game because of the confusion of exchanging places several times. Also the coaches were very relaxed and they didn't withdraw players who were not doing very well. They just wanted to give every player a chance to experience the game. This is just the first game. So they have time to mature and achieve more. Good job, Amy. I am so proud of you.