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领略绘画艺术的魅力 25 Joseph Todorovitch

(2009-11-22 19:44:28) 下一个

Joseph Todorovitch 约瑟夫生长在南加州,幼年就对传统绘画颇感兴趣,并接受了著名画室的艺术训练。这对他现在的绘画有着深远的的影响。是当代以高度写实著称的年轻的肖像画家。他通过敏锐的观察和直觉以及精细的绘制,表露出画家细微的心理世界。从他的作品可以看到19世纪自然主义画家的印象。荣获了全国肖像学会的第10届国际肖像比赛第一名(2009)。


Joseph Todorovitch is a young contemporary painter who has developed a reputation for his highly representational figure paintings. Growing up in Southern California, he became interested in traditional drawing and painting at an early age. His training introduced him to many artistic influences including notable ateliers and instructors.
His work is a culmination of these forces with a deep respect for the knowledge and sensitivities of the past. Joseph has been able to sift through the vast amount of information, be selective, and utilize what's necessary to achieve an impact that speaks about a personal experience with his subjects. His paintings emote, and convey a care and sensitivity that is reminiscent of the naturalist painters of the 19th century. Utilizing subtle value and temperature shifts, fine draughtsmanship, and pure intuition, Joseph weaves a world of breathable air and psychological nuance in his work.
He has participated in many group shows including the 15th annual U.S. American Artists Fine Art Show in Pennsylvania; the Artist for the New Century assisted by Art of the West, Fine Art Connoisseur, Southwest Art, and Wildlife Art magazines; Ontario History Museum invitational; the Antiques and Fine Art Show at the New York Armory; and the Richard Schmidt Fine Art Auction 2005, 2006, 2007. Joseph has been awarded First Honor and Peoples Choice at the 10th annual National Portrait Society of America's international portrait competition. He was awarded first place at the Chaffey Community Art Association 2009. His latest accolade was the Draper Grand Prize at the 2009 11th annual International portrait competition given by the Portrait Society of America and he is currently a semifinalist for the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition for the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.
Joseph Todorovitch is proud to be newly represented by Arcadia Gallery in New York.

His works http://www.onejoseph.com/pages/paintingsmain.html

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