
家规 - House Rules

(2014-01-08 17:21:22) 下一个

女儿(9岁)去年有个目标 - IPad mini。  今年没了诱惑,不听话了。还老肇事跟哥哥吵架。 儿子(13岁)不愿意锻炼身体,不愿意多做一点点像练钢琴做课外作业那样的事,想了想就给他们立了新规矩。大家帮着看看有没有要加减什么的。

House Rules

Jan 2014

1.     Treat other people and their property respectfully

·         No hurting anyone’s feelings (no yelling, putdowns, or name calling)

·         No hurting anyone’s body (no hitting, pushing, or kicking)

·         Ask permission to borrow other people’s belongings

·         Knock on closed doors before entering, practice respectful behaviors

  • No whining and complaining at the dinner table
  • No disrupting behavior while others are doing homework or reading 

2.     Apologize if you’ve hurt someone’s feelings

·         Take responsibility for your own action

·         Other punishment may be applied as a consequence of a bad behavior

3.     Tell the truth

·         Clean yourself each morning – brush teeth properly, wash face, brush hair, wear belt when necessary, clip nails weekly

·         Honesty is absolutely important

4.     Pick up after yourself

·         Pick up toys

·         Clean your own room and bathroom counter

·         Rinse you own dishes and put them in the dishwasher when you’re done eating after everyone has finished & dishes have been put away no matter whose turn it is to wash dishes

5.     Chores

·         Help cooking or yard work or cleaning the house when asked

·         Wash dishes –  alternate daily, including clean dinner table, kitchen counter & stove top

·         Take out trash / bring trash can back to the garage

·         Pick up mail from the mail box

·         The chores are never really fun, but they are necessary tasks that need to be done in order to live. Therefore, a bad attitude to parents about getting them done will be punished

6.     Get approval before turn on electronics

·         Except for homework, no computer or electronic games during school days

·         Up to 2 hours of electronics (IPad, IPad mini, IPod, computer time, and TV combined) per weekend day

7.     Homework, reading, playing piano and exercise

·         Finish your daily homework

·         Complete extra homework/workbooks/worksheets when asked

·         Read a book when you finish your homework – the Kindle should be shared, no games

·         Practice piano 30 minutes minimum every day

·         Ride the bike (medium level) 20 minutes minimum daily

8.     Attend family meetings once a week

·         We will have a weekly scheduled family meeting – to review the rules and make any changes as necessary

·         Every Wednesday night after dinner

9.     Consequence of not following the rules

·         2 hours electronics time will be taken away

·         Other privileges – such as playing with friends, sleepovers & playing soccer will be taken away

10.Awards for “A” of school work

  • If you get an A at the end of the semester, you will be awarded $20/major class
  • Major class means: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish


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