
主啊!让我看到我周遭的人,赐我以你的眼光把他们看待, 让我把智慧和力量付诸于行,使人看到你海洋般宽深的爱!
  • 博客访问:

敬拜赞美 -- More like you

(2010-06-23 16:04:48) 下一个

More like you

Everywhere I go
Let me be a servant
Let my hope be known
and my prayer be fervent
That is Rising to your ear
So that from my heart you'll hear

You are perfect you are holy
You are faithful you are true
and I long to live in your glory
Oh Lord make me more like you
Oh Lord make me more like you

Silver and God
And the world's attractions
The Things I hold
They're just Distractions
From the truth that sets me free
Cause when i look at you i see

You are perfect you are holy
You are faithful you are true
and I long to live in your glory
Oh Lord make me more like you
Oh Lord make me more like you

Oh Lord
Oh Lord make me more like you

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