
主啊!让我看到我周遭的人,赐我以你的眼光把他们看待, 让我把智慧和力量付诸于行,使人看到你海洋般宽深的爱!
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《基督是我们生命的诀要》第二十二日 祂兒子的靈

(2010-05-24 18:05:08) 下一个






“Because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” –GAL. iv. 6.

  The Spirit that dwells in you, O child of God, is none less than the same Spirit that was in Christ, the Spirit of God’s holiness. In Gethsemane He taught Christ to cry, “Abba, Father, Thy Will be done.” He teaches us to know God’s father-love, and to respond with childlike love and obedience. He will be in us even as He was in Christ, the Spirit of Sonship expressing itself in a life of prayer. I may most assuredly expect of Him that He will impart to me God’s love and holiness.

   I may also rely upon Him as the Spirit of God’s Son to reveal Christ in my heart, and always to keep alive in me Christ’ life. All that Christ has said of His abiding in me and I in Him, the Spirit of Christ will work in me. Through the Spirit Christ’s indwelling becomes an actual experience, and as a result the mind of Christ and His disposition may be formed in me, and become manifest. I may with certainty expect this of the Holy Spirit.

   And furthermore the Holy Spirit will fit me for God’s service. As the Spirit that sanctifies He will reveal Christ to me as my sanctification. The Spirit will enable me to overcome the world and its entanglements, and be a witness to what Christ’s life in His child may be. He will fill me with love to the brethren, with love to those who hate or ignore me, with love to all around me who are not yet saved, so that I shall pray for them and be ready to help them. He will give me love to all the world, so that I may labour with enthusiasm for missions that the Gospel may be brought to all men. Oh, my brother, take time each day with the Lord for your heart to be filled with the confident expectation of what God’s Spirit will do for you.

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