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“Ye are an elect race, a royal priesthood.” –I PET. ii. 9.
In the Old Testament the thought of the kingdom took the first place; in the New Testament prominence is given to that of Priesthood.
One of the chief reasons for the feeble life in the Church is the mistaken idea that man’s happiness is the main object of God’s grace. A fatal error! God’s aim is far holier and far higher. He saves men on purpose that they in turn shall carry out His purpose in saving their fellow-men. Each believer is appointed to be the means of imparting to others the new life he has received.
Those who are saved have the holy calling of being channels of God’s grace to others. The feeble state of the Church is largely due to the fact that most Christians imagine that their chief concern is to desire and receive sufficient grace to reach heaven after death. The Church must so proclaim the Gospel that each saved soul shall apprehend its message, “Saved to serve,” “saved to save others.” “Ye are a royal priesthood.”
A royal priesthood! The priestly heart is above all things a sympathetic heart, in which the love of Christ constrains us to win souls for Him. And that by virtue of two compelling motives: love to Christ, whom I shall please and honour in winning others to love Him; and love for souls, which will constrain me to sacrifice everything that others may share this heavenly life.
A priestly heart! A heart that has access to God in prayer and intercession for those who are yet unconverted. A priestly heart that, having pleaded in prayer for souls, has courage to speak to them of Christ. A priestly heart – in which the life of Jesus, the Great High Priest who ever liveth to make intercession, is continued, and His power to save to the uttermost is manifested. O Spirit of God, write upon my heart, with indelible letters, “A royal priesthood.”