
主啊!让我看到我周遭的人,赐我以你的眼光把他们看待, 让我把智慧和力量付诸于行,使人看到你海洋般宽深的爱!
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《基督是我们生命的诀要》第十日 進到完全的地步

(2010-04-13 13:43:36) 下一个


    「惟獨長大成人的...... 所以我們應當離開基督道理的開端,竭力進到完全的地步。」(來六:1)

     在今天我們所看希伯來書的經文中,告訴我們有一些做了很久基督徒需要學些別的東西,但是他們仍然像嬰孩一般,要別人餵奶給他們吃,(來五:12-14)使徒喚醒他們說:「要離開基督道理的開端,不必再立在如懊悔死行等的根基上,」他們要進到完全的地步,長大成人,好學習更深的屬靈真理,如耶穌是大祭司,「這位旣是永遠長存的,他祭司的任職就長久不更換,凡靠著進到神面前的,祂都拯救到底,因為祂長遠活著替他們祈求。」(五:24,25)這永遠長存,長久不更換的祭司制度,或完全的救恩都算是渴望長進信徒的乾糧,第九章告訴我們基督在神面前為我們贖罪,使我們可來到至聖所與神相交(參十:19, 20)。



“But solid food is for full-grown men .... Wherefore let us cease to speak of the first principles of Christ, and press on unto perfection.” –HEB. vi. I.

 In the Epistle from which this text is taken we read that the Hebrews had long been Christians, and now ought to be teaching others, but instead they were still as babes needing to be fed on milk (Heb. v. 12-14). The apostle seeks to rouse them “to cease to speak of the first principles of Christ, not laying again a foundation of repentance.” They were to go on to perfection, to the status of full grown men, and be prepared for deeper truths which would be taught to them regarding Christ as the High Priest. “But He, because He abideth for ever, hath His priesthood unchangeable. Wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost them that draw near unto God through Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them” (vii. 24, 25). The truth of this ever-abiding unchangeable priesthood and complete salvation is the solid food of the believer, who desires perfection. In chapter ix. we are told of Christ appearing before the face of God for us, and later that we might enter into the holy place to live in communion with God (x. I9, 20).

    It is when he ceases to speak of the fist principles of Christ, not laying again a foundation of repentance, that the Christian will grow and be strengthened in grace. He will then actually live in full fellowship with Christ.

    Oh, Christian, if hitherto you have been content to know that you have repented and believe in God, and so are sure of salvation, I beseech you, do remember this is only the beginning of eternal life. Listen to the call to press on to perfection. This is what God desires and what the Son Himself will do for you. Learn to yield yourself fully to Christ and to find daily in Him the hidden life, so that you may grow in grace and God use you as a soul-winner. Nothing less than this conformity to Jesus Christ should satisfy you – a life wholly dedicated to God and to His dear Son.


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