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Why Should I Believe The Bible?

信息:维保罗Pastor Paul Viggiano



































  有时候基督徒也是采取这种很不明智的做法;这常常发生在他们向不信者传福音的时候。不信的人宣告说:他根本看不出圣经是上帝的话,凭什么要人相信它?太多太多的时候,基督徒先同意了不信者的这种观点,认为它是有一定根据的。基督徒甚至会想像出一个双方都同意的“中性”的起始点来,然后他就希望一系列的辩论可以建立在这个“中性”的起始点(或标准)之上。或许在辩论结束的时候,他可以证明圣经是神的话,当然也可能证明圣经不是神的话。于是,人的理性、考古学、历史等等就可以成为起始点。不知不觉地,这个起始点就成了(比圣经)更高的标竿。结果上帝自己必须努力越过(这个标竿)才能证明他是真的。事实上,这就造成了比神的权威更高的权威。然而这(种权威)是不可能(存在)的。(参来 6:16-18) 班森博士将此方法与不道德列为同罪。他说:

  这种调和是不可能的。主耶稣在《马太福音》六章24节说:“一个人不能事奉两个主。” 毫不奇怪,在一个万物都由基督所造(参西1:16)、也靠他的话的权能托住(参来1:3)的、一切智慧与知识都在他里面藏着的(宇宙中),他就是真理,所有的思想都应当顺服他(参林后10:5)。在这个世界上,中性立场不是别的,就是罪。“与世俗为友的就是与神为敌”(雅4:4)。

  我就曾与一位神学院的著名教授有过一次对话。如果我说出他的名字,你们一定都知道[注3]。那是一次在课堂上,我问他说:“是否有这样一种可能性──不是虚构而是真实的可能性──就是‘神不存在’?”这位基督教神学院的基督徒教授竟然回答说:“ 是的,有这个可能性。”你看,他愿意来认同这种可能性。而班森博士指出:那是不道德的──认同这个可能性就是否认你生活中的最高前提;说到底,就是等于否认你的信仰。











































  父神啊,我们以自己的不义来压制真理。我们听到耶稣的话就远远地逃离,因为他的话揭露了我们的真相;因为他是光,而我们想藏在黑暗里。我们求您赐给我们一颗心,叫我们不要逃离,而是要寻求那美善的、公义的、真实的。我们向您祷告,求您打开我们的眼睛、耳朵,好叫我们看到您话语的宝藏。求您赐给我们坚强的信心,让我们把这样的信息告诉人:“有一个地方,神在向人类说话;那地方就在神的话里。” 父啊,叫我们绝不把您的圣言去以证据来证明,让我们不要把珍珠丢给猪,因而羞辱您的圣洁,将您的圣洁、您那赐生命的话语,让区区有限的人的理性来品头论足。









  I, 4. The Bible speaks authoritatively and so deserves to be believed and obeyed. This authority does not depend on the testimony of any man or church but completely on God, its author, Who is Himself truth. The Bible therefore is to be accepted as true, because it is the word of God.

  This sounds very circular. The Bible is to be accepted because it is the word of God. We know it is the word of God because it says it is. Perhaps circularity was not something from which the divines of Westminster sought to hide. In some form, it seems that circularity is practiced by everybody. Robert D. Preus, in his explanation of Thomas Aquinas on Scripture states, as we mentioned earlier,

  All sciences argue from principles and do not try to prove their principles. This it is also with theology, whose principles (principia) are the articles of faith. In philosophy the lower sciences cannot dispute or prove the principles of a higher science. Sacred Scripture offers the highest science.

  The empiricist, assuming his position to be soundest, uses empiricism, to?argue the truth of his position. The rationalist does the same. If someone believes their world view to be true and the soundest explanation of reality, it is?only reasonable for them to make the arguments for their world view, using the principles of their world view. Why would anyone abandon what they believe to be the soundest principles available for the development of their argument? Preus also states,

  The philosopher will, for instance, work out proofs for the existence of God, but only with the presupposition that he already believes in God. He does not make himself temporarily an atheist.


  If Christians view the atheist as wrong and foolish, why would they adopt the atheistic worldview as a starting point for their argumentation? Herein lies the modern myth of neutrality. G.I. Williamson comments on this:

  Sometimes Protestants have unwittingly done this too. It has often happened in the dealings of Christians with unbelievers. The unbeliever claims that he sees nothing in the Bible to demand belief that it is the word of God. And the believer has all too often, in effect, granted that the unbeliever has had some justification for his position. The believer may even imagine that?he can find a “neutral” starting point at which he and the unbeliever are in agreement. Then, it is thought, a series of arguments can be erected on the neutral starting point which in the end might possibly prove that the Bible is the Word of God (or perhaps equally as well that it is not). Thus human reason or archaeology or history, etc., may be made the starting point, and unconsciously this starting point becomes the “higher authority” before which judgment bar God must pass muster. This in effect makes some authority higher than the authority of God. And this cannot be done (cf. Heb. 6:16-18).

  Dr. Greg Bahnsen equates this methodology with immorality:

  No such compromise is even possible. “No man is able to serve two lords” (Matt. 6:24). It should come as no surprise that, in a world where all things have been created by Christ (Col. 1:16) and are carried along by the word of His power (Heb. 1:3) and where all knowledge is therefore deposited in Him who is the Truth (Col. 2:3; John 14:6) and who must be Lord over all thinking (2 Cor. 10:5), neutrality is nothing short of immorality. “Whoesoever therefore would be a friend of the world maketh himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

  According to Bahnsen, and others, to approach the defense of the Scriptures as if they are not the primary authority on earth is dishonest. This is?not to say I am not allowed to view things hypothetically. For example I can hypothesize, “Let’s say for a moment there is no God.” But for me to actually grant that there may not be a God when I actually believe the Bible is true would?be dishonest to my highest belief.

The Church Made the Bible

  It is not uncommon for Christians to argue that the church somehow established, rather than recognized, the authenticity (canonicity) of Scripture. Don’t we have to believe that the church accurately put the canon together (in?which case the church has authority over the Bible—a common claim of Roman Catholicism)? A.A. Hodge points out the, all important, canonical position in Christendom:

  This proposition is designed to deny the Romish heresy that the inspired church is the ultimate source of all divine knowledge, and that the written Scripture and ecclesiastical tradition alike depend upon the authoritative seal of the Church for their credibility. They thus make the Scriptures a product of the Spirit through the Church; while, in fact, the Church is a product of the Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word.

Fallible Witnesses

  Neither science, nor philosophy nor the church can take precedent over the authority of the word of God. The Bible will not be a defendant at the mercy of these fallible witnesses. As Paul wrote, “let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written…” (Romans 3:4). Notice that Paul equates his statement to?that which is written. R.C. Sproul (actually quoting John Calvin) writes,

  Nothing, therefore, can be more absurd than the fiction, that the power of judging Scriptures is in the Church, and that on her nod its certainty depends. When the Church receives it, and gives it the stamp of her authority, she does not make that authentic which was otherwise doubtful or controverted, but acknowledging it as the truth of God, she, as in duty bound, shows her reverence by an unhesitating assent.

The Value of Evidence

  What we will see in paragraph five, is that the Westminster Confession did not discount the value of the church (or other lesser resources) but found a proper, yet subordinate, place for these evidences.

  I, 5. We may be influenced by the testimony of the church to value the Bible highly and reverently, and Scripture itself shows in so many ways that it is God's word; for example, in its spiritual subject matter, in the effectiveness of its teaching, the majesty of its style, the agreement of all its parts, its unified aim from beginning to end (to give all glory to God), the full revelation it makes of the only way of man's salvation, its many other incomparably outstanding features, and its complete perfection. However, we are completely persuaded and assured of the infallible truth and divine authority of the Bible only by the inward working of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies by and with the word in our hearts.

  Sproul writes about the value Calvin saw with evidence (indicia).

  Calvin enumerates the indicia or evidence the Scriptures have for their divine origin and authority. He speaks of the dignity of the matter, the heavenliness of its doctrine, the content of its parts, the majesty of its style, the antiquity of its teaching, the sincerity of its narrative, its miracles, predictive prophecies fulfilled, its use through the ages, and its witness by the blood of martyrs. He sees this evidence not as being weak and tentative but objectively strong and compelling.

  It doesn’t seem that Calvin, or the divines of Westminster, would have eliminated the value of external evidence altogether. To the extent that any evidence is credibly evaluated, it will testify to the truth of God’s holy word. The Scriptures will, no doubt, stand up under any legitimate scrutiny or evaluative gaze fixed upon it.

  The historical testimony of the church (and other lesser resources) is quite?impressive. The spiritual subject matter contained in the Bible along with?the effectiveness of its teaching is also worthy of our respect. The majesty of its?style, the agreement of all its parts, its unified aim from beginning to end (to?give all glory to God) leaves the Scriptures unsurpassed as an historical document and reaches the zenith of any literary or historical analysis. For sixty-six books written by forty different authors over a 1500-year period to have?such harmony is practically beyond human explanation.

  If archeology, anthropology, or astronomy were properly pursued, and their conclusions properly evaluated, there is little doubt that these modern disciplines will also testify to the Scriptures in such a way to be virtually undeniable.

Evidences—Subordinate to Internal Testimony

  But let us be firmly convinced that compared to Scripture, all other evaluative tools are dubious at best. We “are completely persuaded and assured of the infallible truth and divine authority of the Bible only by the inward working of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies by and with the word in our hearts.” Sproul, quoting Calvin:

  Let it therefore be held as fixed, that those who are inwardly taught by the Holy Spirit acquiesce implicitly in Scripture; that Scripture, carrying its own evidence along with it, deigns not to submit to proofs and arguments, but owes the full conviction with which we ought to receive it to the testimony of the Spirit.

  Blindingly obvious it should be now to observe the folly of strapping the Scriptures to the defendants’ table while marching witnesses and evidences in and out of courtroom. The Scriptures deign “not to submit to proofs and arguments.”

  One wonders how a brilliant scholar like Calvin might proceed in this defense of Scripture. Perhaps he would not deign the Scriptures to submit to proofs but require the views of his opponents to submit to proofs. Perhaps, rather than guarding the castle, he would cast down the strongholds by answering the fool according to his folly. His argumentation might go, “If that be so, then how do you explain…?” I don’t wish to speculate too much here. Suffice it to say, Calvin would not subject the word of God to the scrutiny of dust, nor should we. As he states:

  These [indicia], however, cannot of themselves produce a firm?faith in Scripture until our heavenly Father manifest his presence in it, and thereby secure implicit reverence for it…

  Still the human testimonies which go to confirm it will not be without effect, if they are used in subordination to that chief and?highest proof as secondary helps to our weakness. But it is?foolish to attempt to prove to infidels that the Scripture is the?Word of God. This cannot be known to be, except by faith?(VIII/13).

  Preus indicates that Calvin’s position was nothing new. Below we read of?the disposition of the church Fathers a thousand years before Calvin or the divines of Westminster:

  According to the Fathers, Scripture is a priori (from the former) true, irrefragably so. Scripture needs no verification of any kind from outside authority.

  It would seem that the church fathers also viewed the Scriptures as a priori true. Verification may be well and good. It might even be part of a discussion. But it was not needed. Preus, quoting Luther, shows this to be the position leading into the Reformation as well:

  Paul takes them all together, himself, an angel from heaven, teachers upon the earth, and masters of all kinds, and subjects them to the Holy Scriptures. Scripture must reign as queen, all must obey and be subject to her, not teachers, judges, or arbiters over her; but they must be simply witnesses, pupils and confessors of it, whether it be pope or Luther or Augustine or an angel from heaven.

Preus, commenting on Luther’s position,

  This statement of Luther indicates also that Scripture is infallibly true in all its assertions, irrefragable. We need not test it with reason, experience, or any other authority. Its utterances can and ought to be accepted a priori.

  Let’s not mistake Preus’ comments here to suggest that the Scriptures are?not reasonable but that it is unreasonable for man (whose reason is at best flawed) to?subject the pinnacle of truth to his feeble scrutiny.

The Undeniable Argument

  My third and undeniable argument is that the Bible is to be believed because it is true and because to deny its truth is to deny something we know to?be true. Jesus taught,

  He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day (John 12:48).

  The word of God has sufficient authority to act as a judge for all mankind. It is my prayer that by the grace of God we will all recognize the insanity of seeking to judge that which in reality judges us.

  For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do (Hebrews 4:12, 13 NASB).

  My argument for believing the Bible to be true is not a matter of evidences or speculation. And it certainly isn’t a matter of convincing people to make a blind leap of faith into a mythological, nonsensical fairy tale. It is more like bringing people to their senses—to quit denying the obvious. Specifically we are?called to repent of our rejection of that which we all know to be true. To argue against the truth of Scripture is like arguing against the existence of air. Every time you inhale in order to make your next point, your argument becomes?weaker.

  But those who are willing to acquiesce before the profound truths of the?Holy word of God will find on these pages light and life. The message is a message from heaven, a message of redemption. The message itself is the means by which the redemption is applied. Come and Thy people bless and give Thy word success. Amen.

Questions for Study

  1. Why is it important to have an established starting place for truth (page?1)?

  2. How many books are in the Bible? How many authors? Over how long a?period (page 1)?

  3. What is the over-arching theme of Scripture (page 1)?

  4. What would impress you to believe the Bible to be true? Why would it be?sufficiently impressive (page 1)?

  5. Why is science a poor starting place for truth (page 2)?

  5. Why is historical documentation insufficient to validate the Bible (page?4)?

  6. Are “changed lives” a powerful argument for the truth of the Bible (page?2)?

  7. Why are evidential arguments for the truth of the Bible futile (page 3)?

  8. What is wrong with an unbiblical worldview (pages 3, 4)?

  9. How does the Bible plausibly explain the world as we know it (pages?4,?5)?

  10. In what way does everyone argue in a circular fashion (pages 5, 6)?

  11. Why is neutrality a myth (pages 6, 7)?

  12. Did the church make the Bible (page 7)?

  13. What value is evidence (pages 8-10)?

  14. What is the undeniable argument for the truth of the Bible (pages 10, 11)?

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