王建中( 1933- )作曲家、钢琴家。祖籍江苏江阴,生于上海。10岁开始学习钢琴。1950年考人上海音乐学院,先后就读于作曲系、钢琴系。1958年毕业留校任教。70年代任中央乐团创作员。80年代返母校执教。历任该院作曲系副教授、教授、副系主任、副院长。其音乐创作以钢琴作品为主,代表作:钢琴协奏曲《红旗渠畔》有独奏曲《云南民歌五首》、《陕北民歌四首》、《梅花三弄》(根据同名民族器乐曲改编),《小奏鸣曲》、《钢琴组曲》。此外,尚写有《小提琴奏鸣曲》及弦乐重奏等。 《百鸟朝凤》是一首根据同名民族器乐曲改编的钢琴独奏曲,作于1973年。在乐曲中,作曲家对如何更好地运用钢琴语言表现我国优秀的传统音乐作了可贵的探索。该曲在海内外曾被广泛采用。
[感想]以前都不知道作曲家王建中,是因为听钢琴曲《彩云追月》, 《浏阳河》等钢琴曲时,觉得怎么这么美啊?作曲家是谁呢?很惭愧作生活在海外的中国人,我自己还是在读李云迪卡耐基独奏音乐会的一篇音乐评论知道作曲家王建中, 王建中不愧为中国的Bartók ,在中国像他这样默默耕耘挖掘中国民乐的音乐家应该还是不少的,虽然他们的音乐作品没有获过奥斯卡或其他国际大奖,但他们创作的音乐深入人心,会流传下去,而且渐渐为西方听众所熟悉了, 也很感谢李云迪,朗朗,陈莎等国际知名的中国钢琴家,把中国优美的钢琴曲介绍给西方听众, 好听的东西是没有国界的, 总是有听众的。
" Jian-Zhong Wang may not be a familiar name, but he is a prominent musical figure in China, the vice-president of the prestigious Shanghai Conservatory and a prolific composer whose works for solo piano based on folk and traditional songs are enormously popular. Rosy Clouds Chasing after the Moon and Five Yunnan Folksongs are two of his most well-known works, written in a style that draws on late-Romantic and early 20th-century Western styles, variously reminiscent of Albéniz, Ravel and even Bartók. The music provided a strong but welcome contrast with Chopin and Schumann, and demonstrated Li's skill as a characterful colourist. " (http://www.classicalsource.com/db_control/db_concert_review.php?id=6386)
Chu Fang Huang play Liu Yang River Live in Jordan Hall
(Chu Fang Huang A graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music under Claude Frank, she received her Master of Music degree and Artist Diploma from the Juilliard School under Robert McDonald. Chu-Fang Huang took First Prize in 2005 in the Cleveland International Piano Competition and was a Finalist in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. One year later she won First Prize in the 2006 Young Concert Artists International Auditions)
感谢香草的好贴,我特喜欢此曲,尤其是Fang Huang 姑娘的演奏表现法。 |