

下面这个奶油水果杯是我自创的,那天我老公卖了一大盒4磅的新鲜草莓,还有为了想用掉最后一点快到期的heavy cream,把它制成whipped cream, 最底层放勺罐头mixed fruit和几小块的草莓,然后在水果上面放一大勺whipped cream,再在whipped cream上放些mixed fruit和几小块的草莓,根据杯子大小和高矮,一层水果和一层whipped cream,我用的杯子有3层水果和3层whipped cream差不多到顶,在最表面的whipped cream上撒些chopped walnuts and chocolate syrup,最后用一个草莓做装饰。
这是whipped cream方子:
1 cup heavy cream
1/8 cup sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla
Pour the cream into a medium bowl and use an electric mixer or a handheld mixer to whip it. Add the sugar and vanilla. Beat it till stiff peaks just begin to form. A lighter texture is better than one that is too stiff.