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英国电影《魔鬼的妓女》(The Devil's Whore)和 Eat the bankers?

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2009-4-4 7:21 

Re: [军人论坛] 《中国军人网》举办首届有奖“八一征文”活动 


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我在看英国电影《魔鬼的妓女》(The Devil's Whore),



英国电视四台的这部古装电视连续剧叫《TheDevil''s Whore》(魔鬼的荡妇),是一部重现1645年英王查尔斯一世(King CharlesI)被克伦威尔(OliverCromwell)军队打败的英格兰内战系列电视剧。当年的古战场就在英格兰的北安普敦郡的内斯比(Naseby)。那次是英格兰内战历史上最有名的战斗,有两万七千人参战。至今在内斯比仍然保留着一块古战场遗址,并有一座纪念碑。


谷歌Google搜 风行网络电影http://www.funshion.com/download/免费下载




Have you everseen devil sitting behindyou??

酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留.txt(text/plain) 232kb



and trying to take every manthat you've ever loved?




'Can you love a fool? For that I've been?'

'My love began the day you married to harry Fanshawe, I did not know i had a heart until that hour,

you filled it with unknow creatures whose names were joys and hopes,

 both sharper blades than any that had cut me before.'




Not here, Nowhere.

Empty words, spoken in another world.


'I thought I lost you'

'Not yet, good sir.'

'Nor I. Come, my mistress love.'



To kill the king,

he comes back.

'Every school boy will learn the name of Edward Sexyby,

set the freedom of England,

I swear my whole love to you my lady,

You may choose the new life you have,

that must be ended in blood.

Farewell Madam.'


The Kinght has to take his swords to cast his fears away.

Go on the path to free the land he's loved and beloved.

The lady will pray on her hands to wish her faiths inside.

Wait along the seaside not to hear the new bell of celebrating the new King.



The bell rings,

the god saves the Lord Protector.

The Devil's whore is crying along the sea.

Again she losts with her lusts,

but still hand her the only hope, the child.

This time, the devil didn't take her child away.

This time, when she holds the hands of child,

What did she see?

'I saw leaves and sky.'

This time, devil's away from her pur heart on the tree.

No devaste.

'All my men are dead,

gone with their dreams and hopes,yet we are in the world we live in ,

the world we love in.

In the final account,

there is love, and sharp blades, joy and hope.'

Amy Jenkins: Eat the bankers? That sounds pretty yummy to me

The world has changed drastically – and a ‘summer of rage’ has been predicted



The G20 meets inLondon next week and the City is bracing itself for protest. Bankershave been told to dress down in "chinos and loafers". As this has beenwidely reported I would have thought chinos and loafers would now bethe worst thing to wear. I suggest jeans and hoodies. And now that theBrazilian president, Lula, has told Gordon Brown that white, blue-eyedbankers are entirely to blame for the financial crisis, those City folkhad better be wearing coloured contact lenses too. In fact, wouldn't itjust be easier if the bankers dressed up as protesters next week?

Ifthey don't, they apparently risk being strung from a lamp-post. ChrisKnight, a professor at the University of East London and organiser ofthe G20 "Meltdown" campaign has been suspended from his job forpurportedly inciting violence in an interview he gave this week. Hethinks that "the anger of the middle classes" is such that there willbe a velvet revolution next week. "The police, backed up by the army,will try to hold the ExCel centre. While they hold that, they will loseLondon. Then I think Gordon Brown will go." He was photographed with aplacard: "Eat the bankers" it said.

How do you eat a banker? Oneslice at a time. I have to confess it sounds pretty yummy to me. Iknow, of course, that rationally speaking the bankers shouldn't bearall the blame. The politicians were in it toowe, the middle classes,were in it too. I'd even make a case for Gordon Brown being the leastto blame because – while guilty of complicity with boom andderegulation – he was also at least partly preoccupied with alleviatingpoverty and giving tax credits to the single mum.

As for usmiddle classes, vast swathes of the population got used to crowingabout property prices, got used to easy money, loans on demand,buy-to-let mortgages and high-street shopping sprees for clothes socheap they could only have been made in sweatshops. If we made it toLive Aid to wave a fist or two about famine we felt good aboutourselves. But at the same time we voted with our feet against taxrises that might have made a real difference to poverty here in the UK.

Thatbeing said, I'm going to go with Chris Knight and mainly blame thefat-cat bankers anyway. They arrogantly thought themselves the geesethat laid the golden eggs. They were wrong and they were unforgivablyignorant too.

In 2008, when high-earning bankers were askedwhat they thought the poverty threshold was, they answered a £22,000annual income. In fact, £22,000 is just under the average wage in theUK. If anyone lived in a bubble, it was the bankers. They really didn'tknow how the other half – actually the other 90 per cent – lived.

SoI'm not going to be too apologetic for wanting to rub their noses justa little bit in the shit. I mean, it turns out they weren't masters ofthe universe at all. Quite the reverse in fact. They seemed to havelacked some fairly basic economic sense. Why do they – above all otherworkers – deserve bonanza bonuses? Surgeons and army generals andpioneering scientists – all these people provide essential services andare willing to go the extra mile to do their job well. So althoughChris Knight sounds a little wild when he talks of "losing London" andthe Prime Minister's demise, there's no denying that the new-waveanti-globalisation protesters are going to enjoy far more publicsympathy this time round, far more than they did in 2001 at the time ofthe bloody G8 riots in Genoa. The world has changed drastically sincethen, a "summer of rage" has been predicted, and arguably, the time ofthe anti-globalisation movement has come.

The movement is a broadchurch these days and on 1 April, "Meltdown" are planning a FinancialFools Day "protest carnival" involving four separate marches which willconverge on the Bank of England. Each march is to be led by one of thefour horsemen of the apocalypse: a red horse against war, a green horseagainst climate change, a silver horse against financial crimes and ablack horse in honour of the Diggers (last seen being agrariancommunists in 1649).

These are ideas, broadly speaking, that manyof us might now find time to get behind. There's no doubt that the oldworld order has been profoundly shaken by the financial crisis andthere is a new – humbler – atmosphere and the possibility of change.There is an essential dilemma, however. Assuming we're not on theextreme end of anti-globalisation, we want economic growth to return.We want people to be in employment, to have healthy pensions. We wantto spread our wealth to the developing world. Our system is acapitalist one and the very lifeblood of capitalism is economic growth.But economic growth is destroying the planet. What we do about that, Idon't know.

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