


(2009-01-24 08:08:34) 下一个
2nd Time Around, 3 Hiawatha Rd., Mississauga, 905-278-1236
Ages and Stages, 1552 Danforth Ave., 416-465-7777
Bean Sprout, 616 Mt. Pleasant Rd., 416-932-3727
Child to Child, 1201 Britannia Rd. W., Mississauga, 905-812-9633
handmedowns.ca, Eleven resale stores across Ontario stocking new and used kids and maternity fashions as well as toys and equipment
Katie's Kloset for Kids, 611 Byngmount Ave., Mississauga, 905-891-0312
Kids Konsignment, 66 Thomas St., Unit 2, Mississauga, 905-567-7890
Kidsmart, 361 Jane St., 461-760-9624
Merrily Around, merrilyaround.com
Once Upon a Child, 有11家分店, 可上下面这个网站去查最近的那一家的地址http://www.ouac.com/ouac/myheadline.asp?S=7322&P=4225&PubID=4339
Play'N Wear, 1986 Avenue Rd., 416-782-0211
Precious Seconds, 14 Oxford St., Richmond HIll, 905-883-8885
Previously Loved, 986 Bathurst St., 416-516-3613
Soda Pop, 412 Roncesvalles Ave., 461-516-3613
Think Twice Inc., 1679 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga, 905-823-2233
Twice as Nice, 683 St. Clair Ave. W., 416-656-9969
Twice is Nice, 235 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga, 905-274-5569
Twice the Fun, 3455 Fairview St., Burlington, 905-639-9105
Wee Cycled, 389 Main St. N., Brampton, 905-456-9220
Yvette's, 945 Kingston Rd., 416-694-3320

Value Village, 2119 Danforth (at Woodbind), 416-698-0621, 在大多地区有14家分店, 50%-70%的折扣,什么都有,不单单是孩子的衣服, http://www.valuevillage.com/whoweare/locator.php
The Bargains Group Ltd., 890 Caledonia Rd., 416-785-5655, bargainsgroup.com, 最高到80%的折扣, 孩子T恤便宜,才两块大洋一件, 不过是季节性销售, 所以需要打电话去问他们什么时候开
Samko Sales, 11 Peel Ave. (Queen and Dufferin), 416-532-1114
Miko Toy Warehouse, 60 East Beavecreek Rd. (Leslie and Hwy.7), 905-771-8714, 姐妹店折扣从25%到75%, 以玩具用具为主
Avonlea Traditions Warehouse, 17075 Leslie St., Unit 15, Newmarket, 905-853-1777, 季节性销售, 最高打折到80%, 主要都是玩具娃娃, Anne of Green Gables dolls
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