
儿子参选学校学生会(Student Council)

(2015-10-14 10:24:21) 下一个

儿子今年三年级了,终于能参选学校学生会了(Student Council).  他兴奋着呢!

回家跟我说:"I am going to run.  And I will win." 晕! 这孩子还挺自信的哈~~

我拐弯儿问他:"How do you know you are going to win?"

女儿在边上接岔:"Mom!  Yes he will win.  They like him."嗯,看来儿子还算讨人喜欢的:P

儿子接着说:"There aren't many kids in my grade.  So I have a good chance to win." 我差点没笑出声! 平时看我儿子傻糊糊的,没想到人家小脑子里还算计"chance"呢!

BTW,学校他这个年级人少, 总共才5个人.三个女孩,两个男孩.5选1,儿子还是有道理的哈:)

平时俺对儿子睡觉管得严,8点钟一定上床睡觉. 但是那天给他开个特例,允许儿子晚点睡,好把他的演讲写出来.


晚上我回家,一进门, 儿子就欢欣地跑过来抱:"I won! I won! Guess how I won!"
"How did you win?"
"Sophi didn't want to run.  Chisa forgot to get her parents to sign the permission slip.  David had the permission but didn't write a speech.  Brooke had both permission and speech ready but forgot to bring them to school.  So I am the only one running.  Of course I won!"


我跟孩子说:"Great job being responsible!  Just keep being responsible - it takes you far!" 哈哈!


咱这个在中国长大的妈妈,对美国小学的学生会一无所知. 人家发了传单,咱一看,都是竞选活动跟慈善活动. 搬过来看看吧:


Student council is designed to provide the students with an opportunity to learn about community service and community leadership through hands on experiences...


Our student council representatives will be asked to perform several functions that mimic representative style government:

  • Provide a listening ear to those they represent by providing a suggestion box in class and then presenting these suggestions at meetings.
  • Provide a classroom report of what occurred at student council meetings.
  • Participate in Election Day, including “registering” classmates to vote and either running for office, or running the election.
  • Visit a working local city hall and hear from elected officials.
  • Performing classroom inspections to maintain school pride and create responsibility in caring for our surroundings.


Our student council representatives will be asked to assist with service projects in several different ways:

  • Fundraisers:  Family Friday Hot Chocolate and Donut Sales, Sparklegrams, and Car Wash (representatives will select the charities that will benefit from each fundraiser)
  • Hands on help:  Making blankets for Star of Hope and delivering them
  • Advocating:  assist the PTA's Outreach efforts by advocating and providing information related to our canned food drive, coat drive, school supply drive, and book drive
  • Site visits:  visit school food pantry and the Star of Hope


跟儿子比起来,女儿倒霉呀. 她4年级,20多个孩子,竞选激烈. 就成了popularity contest:)

好在女儿不在乎失败,下学期还想参选. 这种不屈不挠的性格,被俺跟劳工大力表扬!

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