
刚在电视上看来的Natural Cleaners,给转过来.

(2012-05-23 11:53:12) 下一个
前两天大家提到家里清洁用品. 现在的化学用料很多,一些职业清洁的地方是不允许用一些清洁用品的,他们说MAIDS每天几小时用这些东西,健康受不了, 可见对一些"好用"的东西还是要小心,尽管咱不整天清理.

刚刚电视上介绍了一些Natural Cleaners,有兴趣的可以试试.好用的话,就可以把带化
电视节目在这: http://livewellnetwork.com/Deals/episodes/Natural-Cleaners/8664939


Mold Mildew Cleaner Recipe
1 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons borax
2 cups water

Directions: Mix up ingredients and put into a spray bottle. Apply to moldy areas, wipe clean.

Furniture Polish Recipe
1 cup olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice

Directions: mix ingredients together. Place in spray bottle. Apply to furniture and wipe away with a clean cloth.

Microwave/Oven Cleaner Recipe
2 tablespoons liquid soap
2 tablespoons borax
1 cup water
1/2 cup baking soda

Directions: Mix up ingredients and put into a spray bottle. Apply to microwave or oven. Let sit for 30 minutes. Wipe Clean.

Bathroom/toilet Bowl Cleaner Recipe
1 cup borax
1/2 cup white vinegar

Directions: Mix ingredients together. Wipe on toilet bowl and scrub.

Showerhead Cleaner Recipe
1 cup vinegar
zip top bag

Directions: Remove shower head. Place it into a zip top bag with vinegar. Allow to soak for 1 hour. Remove and rinse.
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