
接着八GT (三) – 帮自己的孩子,做有GT知识的父母

(2011-03-12 00:15:51) 下一个
1. Asynchronous Development in physical (P), cognitive (C), social (S), and emotional (E)
2. Degree of Giftedness
3. Intrinsic Motivation
4. Introversion


例一,有贴说,GT的孩子们不会闹,都很成熟,某某孩子没被老师推荐GT,就是因为有行为上的问题.这个例子里的老师,9是不了解GT人群特点的”专家”GT孩子们有行为问题不是新鲜事.一些所谓的行为问题其实就是因为是GT造成的.所以,因为孩子们有行为问题而否认GT,是对GT的无知.摘一段:"Gifted girls and gifted boys have different coping mechanisms and are likely to face different problems. Gifted girls hide their abilities and learn to blend in with other children. In elementary school they direct their mental energies into developing social relationships; in junior high school they are valued for their appearance and sociability rather than for their intelligence. Gifted boys are easier to spot, but they are often considered “immature" and may be held back in school if they cannot socialize with children their own age with whom they have no common interests"


例三,有贴说,GT的发现是根据IQ跟成绩的.这个也是”专家”对GT不了解了.GT得好成绩的可能性大,但不直接等同与好成绩.有些GT的心理需要很多,影响成绩.有些GT有learning disability,造成成绩不理想.但GT就是GT,成绩不好的也可能是GT.尤其是有learning disability的GT孩子,如果父母能知道孩子是GT,成绩还不好的话,就有可能想到是不是有learning disability,早发现,早帮助孩子们.

例四,这个例子在我劳工家.劳工一家三个孩子们.上有姐姐,下有妹妹.劳工小时候是GT班的.他的姐姐妹妹都不是.那个时候的GT,完全是靠老师推荐,劳工的姐姐小时候是个TROUBLE MAKER.能量巨大,把父母搞得精疲力竭,学校还差点没让她辍学.幸好我婆婆对女儿一直没放弃,跟学校争,才把劳工的姐姐留在学校里.劳工的妹妹是不大出头的.没人注意她.大家都长大成人后,劳工的妹妹做IQ测试,才发现是”Genius”里的.其实对GT研究发现,一家的孩子们,IQ差别在5-10左右,所以家里一旦有一人是GT,常常一家都是GT.这也许就解释了劳工姐姐小时候的行为问题.很遗憾的是,劳工的姐姐跟妹妹,都没有被发现,得到更多的帮助.我问过劳工,为什么他在GT 班里,但是他的姐妹都没进去.劳工说,可能是我婆婆推劳工多,劳工的成绩好,所以被送到了GT班.过去的人,可能对男孩推得多,对女孩期待低吧?其实IQ成绩表明,GT的男孩跟女孩一样多.

1.父母是确认GT孩子的主要力量: Parents are excellent identifiers of giftedness in their children: 84% of 1,000 children whose parents felt that they exhibited 3/4 of the traits in Characteristics of Giftedness Scale tested in the superior or gifted range. Over 95% demonstrated giftedness in at least one area, but were asynchronous in their development, and their weaknesses depressed their composite IQ scores

2.GT的早期表现不是专家能知道的: Giftedness can be observed in the first three years by rapid progression through the developmental milestones. These milestones should be documented and taken seriously as evidence of giftedness. Early identification of advanced development is as essential as early identification of any other exceptionality. Early intervention promotes optimal development in all children

3.父母没能发现GT,老师也很难发现.主要是因为GT孩子们的行为问题: When parents fail to recognize a child’s gifts, teachers may overlook them as well. Rita Dickinson (1970) found that half of the children she tested with IQs of 132 or above were referred for behavior problems and not seen as gifted by their teachers or parents. Parent advocacy is critical for gifted children’s emotional and academic growth. Associate Director, Bobbie Gilman’s (2008a) award-winning book, Academic Advocacy for Gifted Children: A Parent’s Complete Guide, can guide parents in effectively advocating for their children. Challenging Highly Gifted Learners (Gilman, 2008b) is an excellent book for teachers and parents
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