
自题拙像: 苍茫鲲鹏,万里飞鸣,共和起舞,云海长歌。。。

孔子的故事写作动机___to make US$$$$。

(2008-12-28 07:28:44) 下一个


The motive to write the story of Kong Zi(孔子).
His believe of education, view of world and values ____through education and social practice, a individual man can achieve Kingdom of free mentally. A person will have the mental power to think independently, moral courage to struggle for social justice, and awareness of his/her forever spiritual life can be achieved through life long effort. In the mainstream of historical river, different nations and races merged together, if each individual from different culture could open heart to learn from each other without forget those valued teaching from their own ancestor, then it will be an experience full of joy and proud when we became resident of earth village.  You will find out that there were many great souls in each nation history. Kong Zi(孔子) is one of them. The legacy of 孔子 is still inspires us no mater man’s misleading as time pass. When the historical dust was cleaned from his body, we would find out that 孔子 is belong to the whole world.

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