

教科書中的謊言(賀文德 Kent Hovind 主講)

(2013-04-05 11:52:40) 下一个
CSE 103 class 1 ''Topic explanation about the lies in the textbooks''jesusLostChildren777jesusLostChildren777·561 videos405 viewsLike 9 Dislike 3Published on 11 Apr 2012Creation Science Evangelism Classes from Kent Hovind.wide spread of topics from Science,Evolution,Bible,History and many-more topics.for everybody that want to learn what Creation science is,also for Christians to strengthen there faith.there are always more Topics then the video title suggest,have a nice day!Uploaders' Comments (jesusLostChildren777) myron73 myron73 11 months ago Ha-ha, first comment! Great video, I normally sit through an hour long video on YT, but this was great. By the way, one Communist dislikes? this video. · jesusLostChildren777 jesusLostChildren777 11 months ago indeed his classes are great, have a? nice day! · in reply to myron73All Comments (2)Michael Chaoclick to leave a comment 1:12:04 CSE 103 Class 2 topic'' lies in the text books''by jesusLostChildren777 295 views 1:16:46 CSE 104 Class 10 ''Topic what about the Bible codes? and ufo's''by jesusLostChildren777 432 views 57:04 CSE 102 Class 10 Topic ''Hitler and evolution''by jesusLostChildren777 308 views 1:08:20 CSE 103 Class 3 Topic ''what we gonna do with the lies in the textbooks?''by jesusLostChildren777 321 views 1:12:28 CSE 103 Class 4 ''Topic Satan and his religion to destroy humanity''by jesusLostChildren777 554 views 1:10:40 CSE 103 class 7 ''Topic Who control the money?''by jesusLostChildren777 734 views 1:07:12 CSE 104 Class 2 ''Topic ice age, Kent hovind gives his Theory''by jesusLostChildren777 432 views 1:16:20 CSE 101 Class 8 Topic ''The Water Vapor Canopy Theory''by jesusLostChildren777 491 views 1:03:10 CSE 104 Class 6 ''Topic qwestions and answers''by jesusLostChildren777 369 views 1:02:09 CSE 104 Class 5 "Topic biblical flood and the days of Noah''by jesusLostChildren777 416 views 1:08:20 CSE 103 Class 5 Topic ''long war against God''by jesusLostChildren777 822 views 53:26 CSE 102 Class 7 Topic ''lies in the textbooks''by jesusLostChildren777 310 views 1:20:54 CSE 102 Class 6 topic ''Dinosaurs that are still Alive?''by jesusLostChildren777 406 views 1:08:28 CSE 104 Class 3 Topic ''ice age fossils''by jesusLostChildren777 250 views 1:06:30 CSE 102 Class 8 ''topic Darwin''by jesusLostChildren777 279 views 1:11:24 CSE 102 Class 9 Topic ''survival of the fittest or luckiest?''by jesusLostChildren777 421 views 55:05 CSE 104 Class 4 ''Topic biblical flood and it effects''by jesusLostChildren777 195 views 1:04:54 CSE 101 Class 7 ''Topic Evidence,earth not billions of years old''by jesusLostChildren777 232 views 1:02:03 CSE 102 Class 1 ''Topic the caveman''by jesusLostChildren777 883 views 1:13:11 What is Creation Science?by Dave Flang 10,084 views
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