

Great faith can be yours effortlessly

(2012-12-22 02:08:58) 下一个

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Joseph Prince Ministries
Great faith can be yours, effortlessly!!

Dear Friend,

There is a beautiful truth about faith I want to share with you today.

Like everything else in the Bible, faith is all about Jesus. It begins with Jesus, it is sustained by Jesus, and it is complete in Jesus.


The faith of Jesus is all
the faith you will ever need!


Healing, provision, favor, long life—none of these promises are dependent on your effort or your level of faith. These are already provided through the faith of Jesus.

Many believers today have faith in their faith. They have been taught that if they quote enough Scripture or believe hard enough they will earn an answer to their prayer. They have reduced God to a formula rooted in some form of outward obedience (in other words, the law).

Beloved, faith is the opposite of law.


Law is exhausting—it is about trying to do more.
Faith is effortless—it is about trusting what has been done.


In Mark chapter nine, we see a beautiful story that teaches us about the faith of Jesus.

In this passage of Scripture, the father of a demon-possessed boy approaches Jesus, desperate for a miracle. The disciples have already tried praying for the boy but have seen no answer to their prayers.

The disciples and the father have a dilemma: their own efforts have failed.

In this story the boy's father wants to believe—he wants to have enough faith. But his faith is inconsistent. He says things like, "If You can..." and "Help me in my unbelief."

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever dealt with doubt? Have you ever felt that your faith wasn't strong enough?

Friend, Jesus shows us once again that all we need is found in Him. The New American Standard Bible rightly translates the original Greek in verse 23 when Jesus says:


"If You can? All things are possible to him who believes."


Who is Jesus referring to? Who is the one who believes? It's not the boy's father. (His faith is lacking.) It's not the disciples. (Their efforts have fallen short.)

There was only one person in the story with perfect faith: Jesus.


Jesus is the one who believes.
All things are possible for Him!


Jesus is the one who never wavers. Jesus is the one who never doubts. Jesus is the one who always believes.

When your faith runs out, His faith doesn't. When you feel like your faith is unstable, His faith remains the same. When your faith is weak, His faith is strong. Put your faith in His faith on your behalf.

We can be so "works" conscious that we turn everything into a work—even faith. But faith is not a work. Faith is a rest.

Recently, a precious sister in our congregation was suffering from severe pain in her abdomen. Her doctor took some scans and was very concerned about a 4-cm cyst in her womb. The team of doctors was even considering removing the entire womb.

I met with the husband and wife after service to have communion and anoint her with oil. I must be honest—I was feeling very helpless. I was very conscious of myself. As a preacher of God's Word, I was feeling the pressure to have enough faith for this healing

But then I heard God's voice. He told me:


"Rest. Don't even use your faith.
Rest in the faith of Jesus."


Upon hearing that, I prayed a very simple prayer for them that day and I knew the pressure was no longer on me—I was resting in Jesus' faith.

Later that week, they did one last scan before the surgery. That day I received a text from the husband. "Pastor Prince, they cannot find the growth. It disappeared!"

The doctor later told me, "Pastor Prince, I have seen many things in my profession. This was not a water cyst. This was a real tumor. The whole thing disappeared. It's a miracle."


You can experience this
kind of result in your life too!


Beloved, let me encourage you today. Don't let faith become about striving and earning and effort. Don't say, "Jesus is everything to me except faith. When it comes to faith, I will produce my own."Accept the finished work of Jesus. Rest knowing that Christ is all in all. He's your everything, including your faith.

My friend, thank you for your consistent prayers and generous financial support. Because of you, we are bringing the gospel of grace to millions who would never hear it otherwise.

The grace of Jesus allows you to stand in faith today. When you feel that your faith is fading, latch onto the faith that never will.

His faith is perfect!

Joseph Prince 



The key to faith is to look to Jesus. When Jesus said the centurion had great faith (Matthew 8:10), the centurion wasn't even conscious of his great faith. All he was conscious of was a great Jesus.

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