Office rents in Hong Kong and Singapore are set to fall, brokers say, as their markets start to reflect the slowdown in trade and investment caused by the euro zone debt crisis.
In a mid-quarter review released yesterday, Jones Lang LaSalle forecast Grade A rents in Hong Kong to fall 5 to 6 per cent in the fourth quarter to US$1,643 (S$2,107) per sq m per year and 4 per cent in Singapore to US$786 per sq m per year.
It would mark a fall into the red for Singapore rents, which rose 0.6 per cent in the third quarter and the intensification of a decline in Hong Kong, where rents fell 0.9 per cent in the third quarter.
According to Colliers International, Hong Kong has the most expensive property rents in the world. However, multinationals are reassessing their needs for next year and Mr Simon Lo, executive director of research and advisory at Colliers, forecasts an 8 per cent decline in Hong Kong office rents in 12 months to September next year.
Singapore may now be easier for investors to access as an office market because buildings are coming to market, whereas office stock in Hong Kong’s Central district is held by a handful of landlords that do not typically sell.
Source : Today – 8 Dec 2011
仲量联行数据:今年第四季 甲级办公楼租金料跌4%
仲量联行说,新加坡办公楼新的净需求出现疲软,市场吸收二线供应(secondary supply)速度减缓。
其亚太区市场董事经理谢尔顿(Jeremy Sheldon)说:“整体办公楼租金涨幅预计会在这个季度放缓。许多主要市场出现的趋势是来自租户需求疲软,鉴于欧美的情况,公司更加谨慎。”
上个月开幕的亚洲广场(Asia Square)第一大厦的租金目前还保持平稳,月租介于每平方英尺12元至16元,一般上较低层楼的月租为12元,超高层楼的月租为16元左右,具体租金要视租用的面积和办公室的景观等因素。
开发商MGPA集团办公楼租赁部主管摩法德(Luke Moffat)当时表示它并没计划降低租金。因为它有信心为亚洲广场吸引到租户。他预计第一大厦可于明年年中取得100%的租用率。
根据吉宝置业于10月提供的信息,海洋金融中心(Ocean Financial Centre)月租平均为每平方英尺9元。