

Toh Tuck site sold for $34m

(2010-08-31 00:10:33) 下一个
August 31, 2010 

Propertydeveloper Roxy-Pacific said yesterday that its unit, Mequity, boughtToh Tuck Apartments in an en bloc deal for $33.9 million.

The freehold site, located at Toh Tuck Road, is the first collectivesale in District 21 – which comprises Upper Bukit Timah and Clementi –this year.

The site has an area of 40,449 square feet, a plot ratio of 1.4 andcan be built up to five storeys. A development charge of about $5million is payable to redevelop the site up to a permissible 62,290 sqft. This includes the 10 per cent allowance for balconies.

Together, the sale price and the development charge work out to $624 per sq ft per plot ratio.

Mr Jeffrey Goh, head of investment sales for the site’s marketingagent HSR, said about 75 apartments ranging from 590 sq ft to 1,660 sqft could be built on the site.

“Toh Tuck Apartment is an attractive site, given its location inBukit Timah area. It is within minutes of the Beauty World MRT stationand close to good schools and amenities,” he said, adding a newapartment could fetch an average of $1,300 psf.

Source : Today – 31 Aug 2010

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