(2009-01-09 13:00:37)
Lifestyle Changes for Type 2 Diabetes 2009
Evidence - based guidelines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus focus on three areas:
1. Intesive lifestyle intervention that includes at least 150 minutes per week of physical activity, weight loss with an initial goal of 7% of baseline weight, and a low-fat, reduce-calorie diet.
2. Aggressive management of cardiovascular risk factors ( i.e., hypertension, dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria) with the use of medication.
3. And normalization of blood glucose levels (hemoglobin A1C level less than 7 percent).
----------2009 American Academy of Family Phsicians.
Note: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, the 6th leading cause of death in the US, is directly responsible for more than 73,000 deaths annually and is a contributing factor in more than 220,000 deaths.
"Health for All"