
Consolidated book suggestions for AP

(2012-09-22 00:17:48) 下一个
Consolidated book suggestions for AP (All subjects)

Master List - Updated Once More         Best Practice Tests


O - Overly difficult practice tests.
A - Accuracy (practice tests that are most similar to the real thing).
E - Easier than the real exam.

Art History – Barron’s
Biology - Princeton Review (A)
Calculus AB - Princeton Review (A), Barron’s (O)
Calculus BC - Princeton Review (A)
Chemistry - Princeton Review (A), Barron’s (O)
Chinese Language and Culture -
Computer Science A - Barron’s (O)
Computer Science AB – Barron’s (O)
English Language and Composition - Princeton Review (A), Cliffs
English Literature and Composition-
Environmental Science - Princeton Review (A)
European History - Princeton Review (A)
French Language – Barron’s (A)
French Literature -
German Language -
Government and Politics: Comparative – AP Comparative Government and Politics: A Study Guide
Government and Politics: United States - Princeton Review (A)
Human Geography - Barron's (O)
Italian Language and Culture -
Japanese Language and Culture -
Latin Literature -
Latin: Vergil - Vergil's Aeneid (Pharr), Loeb Classical Library, Virgil I, II (Fairclough)
Macroeconomics - Princeton Review (A)
Microeconomics – Princeton Review (A)
Music Theory -
Physics B – Barron’s (O)
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism -
Physics C: Mechanics – Princeton Review (A)
Psychology – Princeton Review (A)
Spanish Language -
Spanish Literature –
Statistics - Princeton Review (A)
U.S. History – AMCSO, REA
World History - Princeton Review (A)

Best for Independent Study


I - Good for use independently (without any other materials such as textbooks).
T - Could be used independently, but an in-depth knowledge requires a textbook.
Q - Questions throughout the book that help reinforce information (practice tests do not count).
E - Easy to read.
S - A lot of superfluous information.
P - Practice tests included.

Art History – Barron’s
Biology - Princeton Review (T, Q, P)
Calculus AB – Princeton Review (T, Q, P)
Calculus BC - Princeton Review (T, Q, P)
Chemistry - Princeton Review (T, Q, E, P) , Barron’s (I, S, P)
Chinese Language and Culture -
Computer Science A - Barron's (I, Q, S, P)
Computer Science AB - Barron's (I, Q, S, P)
English Language and Composition - Princeton Review (I, E, P), Cliffs (I, E, P)
English Literature and Composition-
Environmental Science - Princeton Review (T, Q, E, P)
European History - Princeton Review (T, Q, E, P), Cliffs (T, Q, E, P), Modern European History (T, E, S)
French Language – Barron’s (I, Q, P)
French Literature -
German Language -
Government and Politics: Comparative - Comparative Government and Politics: A Study Guide (I, Q, E, P)
Government and Politics: United States – Princeton Review (I, Q, E, P)
Human Geography - Barron's (I, Q, S, P)
Italian Language and Culture -
Japanese Language and Culture -
Latin Literature -
Latin: Vergil -
Macroeconomics - Princeton Review (I, Q, E, P)
Microeconomics - Princeton Review (I, Q, E, P)
Music Theory -
Physics B – Barron’s (I, P)
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism - Barron's (I, S, P)
Physics C: Mechanics - Barron's (I, E, S, P)
Psychology - Barron's (T, Q, E, S, P), Princeton Review (T, E, P)
Spanish Language -
Spanish Literature -
Statistics - Princeton Review (T, E, P)
U.S. History -
World History - Princeton Review (T, E, P)

Best for Complementing Class


H - Helpful in preparing for tests throughout the year, apart from the actual exam.
N - Not strictly a review book (can be used to teach material, and not just to review it).
T - Teacher recommendation.
P - Practice tests included.

Art History – Barron’s
Biology - Princeton Review (H, T, P)
Calculus AB - Barron's, Princeton Review (H, T, P), Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam (N, T)
Calculus BC - Barron's, Princeton Review (H, T, P), Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam (N, T)
Chemistry - Princeton Review (T, P)
Chinese Language and Culture -
Computer Science A - Barron’s (H, N, T, P)
Computer Science AB – Barron’s (H, N, T, P)
English Language and Composition – Princeton Review (T, P)
English Literature -
Environmental Science - Princeton Review (T, P)
European History - Princeton Review (H, N, T, P), Cliffs ( H, T, P), Modern European History (H, N, T)
French Language – Barron’s (N, T, P)
French Literature -
German Language -
Government and Politics: Comparative - Comparative Government and Politics: A Study Guide (H, N, P)
Government and Politics: United States – Princeton Review (T, P)
Human Geography - Barron's (H, T, P)
Italian Language and Culture -
Japanese Language and Culture -
Latin Literature -
Latin: Vergil - Loeb Classical Library, Virgil I, II (Fairclough)
Macroeconomics - Princeton Review (T, P)
Microeconomics - Princeton Review (T, P)
Music Theory -
Physics B – Barron’s
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism - Barron's (H, N, P)
Physics C: Mechanics - Barron's (H, N, P)
Psychology - Barron's (H, N, T, P)
Spanish Language -
Spanish Literature -
Statistics - Princeton Review (T, P)
U.S. History - Amsco, REA
World History - Princeton Review (P)

What NOT to use


N - Not enough information.
T - Too much information (to the point where you can't differentiate between the useful stuff and the filler).
H - Hard to understand.
P - No practice questions included in the review book.
U - Unhelpful practice questions.
O - Price of book much greater than actual value.

Art History -
Biology - Barron's (T)
Calculus AB - Kaplan (U, O)
Calculus BC - Kaplan (U, O)
Chemistry -
Chinese Language and Culture -
Computer Science A -
Computer Science AB -
English Language and Composition -
English Literature -
Environmental Science - Barron's (T)
European History -
French Language - REA
French Literature -
German Language -
Government and Politics: Comparative -
Government and Politics: United States -
Human Geography -
Italian Language and Culture -
Japanese Language and Culture -
Latin Literature -
Latin: Vergil -
Macroeconomics – Barron’s (T, H), REA
Microeconomics – Barron’s (T, H), REA
Music Theory -
Physics B -
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism -
Physics C: Mechanics -
Psychology -
Spanish Language -
Spanish Literature -
Statistics - Barron's (H, U)
U.S. History - Princeton Review (N,U)
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