
Breaking the bamboo ceiling读书笔记一

(2009-08-29 23:12:32) 下一个

作者主要针对在美国corporate里工作的亚洲群体,一个现象作者注意到的是,大部分亚裔在公司里做的多是entry level的工作尽管他们都有大学毕业。作者用数字做了说明,此处不表。作者对亚裔的career development给了很好的建议,首先要了解自己(为了结合实际,我来narrow到国人):
”You must understand your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and internal driving forces to guide how this all plays out in a work environment."
这些可能都会带有作为作为中国人的色彩,如大多数国人都是芊芊君子,知书达理,性情温和,会读书,聪明,弱点可能是语言上还需努力,等等。你的这些属性并不妨碍你的职业发展,但这些国人属性和与之带来的行为往往会让西人误会,作者在次提出几条改善的途径,让国人在保持自己的属性的情况下又融入corporate 文化中without compromising yourself:

“Training in selling, presenting, negotiating, and assertiveness can tap and channel your knowledge to enhance your presence and capabilities."
"Keep in mind that professional upward mobility requires action on your part. It's unrealistic to expect that your managers and colleagues will automatically want and know how to unearth the true you and understand all that you are capable of offering...You have to take the initiative in clarifying the issues to effect change."

这些在我们的历次电话会议上老土和其他网友都不断地重申过。西人对国人有一种普遍的认识就是,吃苦耐劳,听话,守规矩,能按指示办事(ability to follow instructions). 但这种被动的态度和行事并不能帮助他们在 corporate中升迁,而是要 “daring, assertiveness and an ability to promote oneself". 要挑战自己,要敢于表现自己,工作中积极主动, 说话办事要充满自信。即便你不清楚对错的情况下,也要很自信地说出自己的观点。我在proposal defense的时候,我的mentor就和我说,present的时候,一定要大声自信,对错不是关键,自信的态度是关键,这样人家才会有信心支持你来能做这个课题。

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