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(2009-03-22 16:57:06) 下一个
To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled -- because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance.
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翎翅 回复 悄悄话 To exercise power :争取权利的诉求(?)
翎翅 回复 悄悄话 争取权利需要勇气和努力,这就是为什么人们即便有权利也不去争取。因为权力是一种人们太懒于运用和怯懦于行使能力,他们用所谓的耐心和忍耐去掩盖他们的软弱。
