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"In footage from about 9:35 p.m. that night, the victim could be seen running out of her home and yelling for help, with Yeager chasing and catching up to her, according to police. The two went out of view of the neighbor’s security camera, and reappeared with the victim walking away from Yeager, who then grabbed her by her shoulders.
The affidavit states that the video showed Yeager physically guiding her back to their home, with the victim repeatedly asking Yeager if he was “taking me back so you can beat me to death?” Yeager is later seen physically blocking the victim's path to a parked car, followed by both people going back inside. "
那个被杀的妻子真是不会保护自己。 她都跑出来了, 还被他抓回去, 还这么卑微地问 “taking me back so you can beat me to death?” 就是说在女方逃出家门前他已经打过她了, 而且还打得不轻。 她应该立刻报警, 如果没有手机, 就去求助邻居。 无论怎样, 就是不能让他再抓回去。
大约十一, 二年前, 我们这个县也发生过一起白男杀害华人妻子的案件. 女方是北京人, 有个CS的硕士学位的, 因为要照顾年幼的儿子, 她一直当家庭主妇。 她的丈夫也是长期有暴力倾向, 妻子常向一个美国女友诉说, 女友劝她离开, 她为了孩子有一个完整的家不舍得离开。 这些我都是从华盛顿邮报报道看来得。
遇到有暴力倾向的配偶, 男友, 我们都必须保护好自己的
Note: 我这个帖子是前晚写的, 当时很多中文报道还没有登出, 所以我就转了英文报道