gzlady (热门博主)
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Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair

(2020-05-07 21:21:32) 下一个

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (in the deep forest green)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
(Tracing of sparrow on snow-crested ground)
Without no seams nor needle work
(Bedclothes the child of the mountain)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
Tell her to find me an acre of land
(A sprinkling of leaves)
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
(Washes the grave with silvery tears)
Between the salt water and the sea strands
(And polishes a gun)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather
(Blazing in scarlet battalions)

据说Scarborough Fair  是起源于中世纪的英国民歌。刚才看到网友在帖子里为太太弹这首歌, 我就在网上把这歌找来听了两遍, 很喜欢这首歌。 也和大家分享一下。

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