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报道中说到, Cai had a daughter, and Sun has a son, The Boston Globe reported after her death. The couple met in 2013 and then married two years later, around the same time Cai moved to Massachusetts from China, according to the newspaper. Sun reportedly filed for the divorce in September, but the two remained in the same home.
这对夫妻才四年时间就从相爱结婚, 到离婚, 杀妻。 当然杀妻是小概率事件, 但据统计,二婚的离婚率是70%。 我想, 二婚的离婚率高是因为中年人的生活习惯, 思维模式已经定型, 很难为对方去改变。 而且人到中年, 加上各自有婚前的孩子, 就更难磨合了。
我觉得择偶, 选人品好, 脾气好的最重要, 另外, 夫妻三观相近, 夫妻争吵可能会少点, 家庭会更和睦。