gzlady (热门博主)
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To: 金豆豆的妈妈, 我的一孔之见

(2008-11-04 14:04:20) 下一个
I admire your effort for writing up such a long article to speak of your mind and share your opinion in this forum. I tried to hold my tongue for a while. Unfortunately, I fail to do that.

I was born in a anti-communism family. The Chinese communist government had taken most of my family properties away, and had mistreated my parents for years. I strongly dislike the communist system and propaganda even since I was a young child. However, I have witnessed the social progress and economy booming in China for the last 30 years. So, I believe the Chinese government is leading China in a right track

About the Tibet incident, I think the Chinese government did the right thing to crack down the riot. I believe any responsible government in this world would have done the same thing if those kind of riots happen in their country. In U.S., if anyone dare to attack the police, the police have a right for self defense,. But I saw a picture showed a group of Tibetans threw rocks to the policy car in Tibet. I also saw a picture that the Chinese police/military use shields to protect themselves from the rioters.

However, the major western medias are extremely biased on reporting all the events from the Tibet riots to the Olympics torch. On my commute between my company and home, I listen to the local radio of Washington D.C. , such as NPR at least one and half hours a day. I have never heard any of the radio report the Tibetan protesters burnt the innocent people and their children to death., beat up the innocent people. They have never reported the violent protester attacked the handicap girl who hold the torch in Paris. All they reported was Chinese government brutally cracked down the protest in Tibet. Chinese government violate human right in Tibet. Sometimes, while they report the news about Tibet, they would talk about the history in Tibet, such as the China invaded Tibet in 1950,,,etc.

The majority of the Americans learn about China and Chinese from the media, they have never traveled to China, and some of them probably don’t even know where Tibet is located in the map. All they know is a evil country named China invaded a peaceful country named Tibet, and China has been mistreating the Tibetan since then, Several weeks ago, My brother-in-law, a mid-aged American professional asked my opinion of Tibet. I told him the truth, he was very surprise that the Tibetan don’t have to follow the one child policy. I am a little surprise that he knows nothing about Tibet’s history economy and Tibet‘s development in recent years, but believe the Tibetan were treated as second class citizen.

I agree with you that China and CCP, the ruling government are two different concepts. It is just like Bush administration and United States. As you know, lots of Americans criticize their government, but they still love their country, and are still proud of the country. If you don’t believe me, ask your British friend if you can burn the UK flag in public. I believe most Chinese want to live in a stable and prosperous society, and they support the government to crack down the riots. Don’t you think those news and comments about Tibet, China and Chinese (sometimes, the medias even use the word China or Chinese instead of Chinese government in their report) hurt the Chinese’s feeling deeply.

I am afraid that I have talked too much again in this forum. My point is that the western media should report the truth in Tibet and be fair to the Chinese people. I told my husband the other day that the media treat the Chinese as third class world citizen. Perhaps, if you could listen to your local radio two hours a day, you would have the same feeling like mine.

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