
【马修·连恩 - 布列瑟农 Bressanone 】一首漂泊离乡之曲

(2010-07-18 00:01:14) 下一个

【布列瑟农 Bressanone-马修·连恩】

"布列瑟农",一首让人难以忘怀之歌,仍记得几年前一个夜晚首次听到"Bressanone"时所带来的内心震动-心灵深处被那有序节奏中独特曲风深深感动,撞击着,几遍听过后思绪沉醉于那空灵旋律中,随其徘徊...难以自拔...远处的幽谷阵阵传来隐约的钟声,剔透灵动的钢琴在钟声中渐起,将序幕缓缓拉开(让人脑海中不禁想起那段歌词"留连的钟声 还在敲打我的无眠,尘封的日子始终不会是一片云烟...)...沉静,浑厚,略带沙哑的男音在缓慢节奏中倾诉着深邃委婉的离乡主题--温柔,内敛,沧桑,沉重,悲凉...勾画出一个夕阳西下,黄昏中一位正在远离故土奔赴它乡的离乡人,依依不舍,一次次眺望着自己眷恋的故土,无奈而伤感..透过那歌声强烈地感受着一颗流浪在外的心,...在典雅管弦乐的烘托中,孤独的旋律经过一段沉静的钢琴过渡后,在缠绵的损与悲凉的萨克斯交织中飘浮,穿梭,升华,倾泻出蕴涵深处的各种滋味,以悲情韵味释放着旷野的荒凉,浓重的离愁....歌曲结尾列车轨道摩擦声将故事渐渐引向远方,但浓烈的离乡孤独感却久久难以散去...


Here I stand in Bressanone,With the stars up in the sky.
Are they shining over Brenner,And upon the other side.
You would be sweet surrender,I must go the other way.
And my dream would carry me onward,Though my heart would surely stay,

Oh my heart would surely stay.Now the clouds are flying by me,
And the moon is on the rise,I have left the stars behind me,
They were diamonds in your skys.You would be sweet surrender,
I must go the other way.And my dream will carry me onward,
Though my heart would surely stay,Oh my heart would surely stay!




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Hello Forrest,

Thank you for your comments. Now make yourself a cup of hot tea, sit back, and I'll tell you a story about Bressanone...

Several years ago, I fell deeply in love with a young woman, and also with a part of northern Italy known as South Tyrol. It borders Austria, just south of the Brenner mountain pass which separates Italy from Austria.

South Tyrol used to be joined with North Tyrol (now a part of Austria) and West Tyrol (now a part of Switzerland). The people of this area speak a dialect of German. But since Tyrol was divided and South Tyrol became a part of Italy, all the place names are in both German and Italian.

Anyway... I once worked for Greenpeace many years ago, where I met a young woman who melted my heart. We met while on a retreat in California's Yosemite National Park. After the retreat, she returned to the Colorado Greenpeace office, and eventually went back to school in New York state. I returned to the San Diego Greenpeace Office, and eventually went back to my home in the Yukon, Canada.

Over the months we stayed in touch. Soon we discovered that we would both be close again. She was going to study art in Florence, Italy, and I was going to live in Munich, Germany performing with a rock band called "Marching Powder"... ahhhh yes, Marching Powder... but that's another story.

When we were both in Europe, we made arrangements to meet in a place that was close to being between Florence and Munich. This was the South Tyrolian town called "Brixen" in German, or "Bressanone" in Italian. Bressanone is a beautiful town surrounded by small villages high in the mountain valleys with churches ringing and sheep in the meadows, and the awesome peaks of the Dolomite mountains towering beyond.

We spent several days exploring the mountain villages and each other's hearts. And when the day came for her to return, I took her to a train station in a nearby village, and we said goodbye. It was very sad to be going our own ways again. With tears in my eyes, I got on a bus and headed for the train station in Bressanone. During the short 40 minute bus ride, I fell asleep. And while I slept, I had a dream in which I could hear this song, complete with the words and music. When I awoke, I got off the train and went to the nearest coffee shop to write the words and music on a napkin, so I would not forget.

It was years later when I finally recorded the song. I will always have a place in my heart for her... and for that village... and for this song.

Thank you for listening. Now... off to bed with you!!!


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