"Sunrise Sunset"是一部电影"Fiddler on the Roof Cast"中的插曲,其旋律非常优美,让人难以释怀.. 尤其唱道第二部分" sunset sunrise, sunset Swiftly flow the days..."很特殊的韵味...那种韶光荏苒不待时,慨叹岁月催人老,对年轻往事,眷恋,伤感的怀旧情绪,由不得不为之感动...
....................................... 以下资料来自网络:
"屋顶上的提琴手"是美国百老汇一出相当长寿的音乐剧,剧情是描述苏联境内一群居住在安纳堤夫卡(Anatevka)的犹太家族的故事。1971年,这出音乐剧被改编搬上银幕,由大导演诺曼裘维森( Norman Jewison )执导,片中没有一位大明星,但拍摄成绩斐然,票房及奥斯卡提名方面均大有斩获。 这部电影或音乐剧之所以成功,Jerry Bock 的原创音乐居功厥伟,里面出现了多首传唱不辍的名曲,包括" Tradition 传统"、" If I were a richman 如果我是一个富翁 "、" Matchmaker 媒婆",以及" Sunrise, sunset 日出日落"。 "日出日落"是片中那对犹太老夫妇和新婚的女儿女婿在火车站道别时所唱出的歌,昔日视为掌上明珠的女儿即将脱离父母的羽翼,和夫婿飞往新天地,年迈的父母在祝福里依然悲从中来。1971年的他还未在乐坛绽放光芒,但「屋顶上的提琴手」所改编的音乐却为他赢得了首座奥斯卡。此外,电影版音乐中负责小提琴独奏的是已故的大师 Isaac Stern 艾萨克史坦。
Sunrise, Sunset - Perry Como
Sunrise, Sunset
(Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset) Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? I dont remember growing older When did they?
When did she get to be a beauty? When did he grow to be so tall? Was'nt it yesterday that they were small?
Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset Swiftly flow the days Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers Blossoming even as they gaze
Sunrise sunset, Sunrise sunset Swiftly fly the years One season following another Laden with happiness and tears
One season following another Laden with happiness and tears