,Bloomingdale Insane Asylum。

n reference to the report of the Visiting Committee of the Bloomingdale Lunatic Asylum, published in the Times some days since, Mr. Townswend, council for Mr. Van Vleck, yesterday stated to a reporter that these charges had often been made against similar institutions, but never before so direct.
The insane, he said, were kicked and choked until blood spurts from the mouth and nostrils -- some being driven to suicide by systematic cruelties.
He commented on the report of the overseers, making out everything to be 'lovely in the Asylum.... "Does anybody suspect that the people employed in such institutions, while still under engagement, would risk their positions by admitting that they had practiced outrages upon the patients, or had been lewd in their actions?" 再后来(by the 1880s)布鲁明黛尔精神病院搬迁,原因倒不是又有什么官司,而是这一带的房地产热起来了,地产商们认为这所精神病院的存在拖低了周围的房价......
这是现在仅存的原布鲁明黛尔精神病院的一幢楼房,在哥大校园内"Low Memorial图书馆"旁边,名叫Buell Hall,也称作La Maison Française(1913年以后当过“法国文化中心”)。当年是给富有的精神病患住的。

谢谢批评。“前身”的确用词不当,英文我倒知道怎么说,“based on”就可以了,中文如果不用“前身”,那改成“原址(部分)”行吗?
哥伦比亚大学的前身是“国王学院”King's College