

介绍一个德国摇滚歌手:Herbert Grönemeyer

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Herbert Grönemeyer属于那几个为数不多的用德文演唱的摇滚乐手之一。1998年他的唱片“一切皆非”获得白金,但是这张唱片发行不到半年,他的妻子和兄弟却双双去世。这张唱片里他为妻子所写的歌“道路”竟然成为一首挽歌。Grönemeyer受到这样沉重的双重打击,用了一年的时间,才再次回到舞台。2002年,他的新专辑“人”还未出版,就因为太多人预定而登白金唱片之位。这张唱片几乎与“一切皆非”相同,里面也收有“道路”一歌,在经过重创的歌手口中,这首歌更让人潸然泪下。


THE WAY - English

I can no longer see
Don't believe my eyes
  any more
Can hardly believe
Feelings all turned around

I'm much too lazy
To give up
Besides it would be too soon
Because there's always a way

We were bound together
Would have died for
  each other
Bent the rain into a bow1
Lent each other our trust

We tried to
Turn while
Nothing was too late
But much was too soon

We have shoved each other
Through all the tides
We got sidetracked together
Loved desperately

We denied the truth
The best we could
It was a piece
 of heaven
That you exist

Every room you
Flooded with sun
Every frustration
You turned around

Nordic noble
Your gentle goodness
Your untamed pride
Life isn't fair

Danced the movie
In a silver room
From a golden balcony
We stood in awe of eternity

Helplessly sunken, drunken
And everything was allowed
Together in time-lapse
Midsummer-Night's Dream

Every room you
Flooded with sun
Every frustration
You turned around

Nordic noble
Your gentle goodness
Your untamed pride
Life isn't fair

Your confident stride
Your true poetry
Your serene dignity
Your unshakeable

Your destiny
You defied
You never betrayed
Your plan for happiness
Your plan for happiness

I'm not leaving here
I've extended my stay
New time travel
Open world

I have you safe
Inside my soul
I'll carry you with me
Until the curtain falls

I'll carry you with me
Until the curtain falls 
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